Source code for camparee.variants_compilation

import contextlib
import os
import sys
import argparse
import json

import numpy

from camparee.camparee_utils import CampareeUtils
from camparee.abstract_camparee_step import AbstractCampareeStep
from camparee.camparee_constants import CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS

[docs]class VariantsCompilationStep(AbstractCampareeStep): def __init__(self, log_directory_path, data_directory_path, parameters=None): self.data_directory_path = data_directory_path self.log_directory_path = log_directory_path self.chr_ploidy_data = None
[docs] def validate(self): return True
[docs] def execute(self, sample_id_list, chr_ploidy_data, reference_genome, seed=None): """ Entry point into variants_compilation. Parameters ---------- sample_id_list : list List of sample IDs chr_ploidy_data : dict Dictionary of chromosomes as keys and a dictionary of male/female ploidy as values. reference_genome : dict Dictionary representation of the reference genome seed : int Seed for random number generator. Used so repeated runs will produce the same results. """ self.chr_ploidy_data = chr_ploidy_data contig_order = list(reference_genome.keys()) log_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_directory_path, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.VARIANTS_COMPILATION_LOG_FILENAME) # The common_variant() method defined below uses a random number when # choosing which of two equally prevalent variants to keep. if seed is not None: numpy.random.seed(seed) with open(log_file_path, "w") as log_file: print("Converting variants into vcf file") log_file.write("Converting variants into vcf file\n") contigs_so_far = [] last_chromosome = None # Open then process all the files all_variants_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.VARIANTS_COMPILATION_OUTPUT_FILENAME) with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack, open(all_variants_file_path, "w") as out: # Output the header out.write("##fileformat=VCFv4.0\n") sample_ids = '\t'.join(['sample' + str(sample_id) for sample_id in sample_id_list]) out.write(f"#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO\tFORMAT\t{sample_ids}\n") # Open variant files variant_file_paths = [os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, 'sample' + str(sample_id), "variants.txt") for sample_id in sample_id_list] variant_files = [stack.enter_context(open(file_path)) for file_path in variant_file_paths] # read the first line of each variant file next_lines = [vf.readline() for vf in variant_files] # proceed until we have exhausted (and removed from the list) all the variant files i = 0 while any(line != '' for line in next_lines): i += 1 parsed_lines = [CampareeUtils.parse_variant_line(line) for line in next_lines] chromosome = min(chr for chr, pos, vars in parsed_lines if chr != "DONE") position = min(pos for chr, pos, vars in parsed_lines if chr == chromosome) if chromosome != last_chromosome: if last_chromosome is not None: print(f"Wrote chromosome {last_chromosome} to vcf file") log_file.write(f"Wrote chromosome {last_chromosome} to vcf file\n") contigs_so_far.append(last_chromosome) if contig_order.index(last_chromosome) > contig_order.index(chromosome): print(f"WARNING: chromosomes {last_chromosome}, {chromosome} are not in the same order as in the reference genome") log_file.write(f"WARNING: chromosomes {last_chromosome}, {chromosome} are not in the same order as in the reference genome\n") if sorted(contigs_so_far) != contigs_so_far: print("ERROR: Need chromosomes to be in alphabetical order (i.e. 1, 10, 11, 12, .., 19, 2, 20, 21, 22, 3, .., MT, X,Y") log_file.write("ERROR: Need chromosomes to be in alphabetical order (i.e. 1, 10, 11, 12, .., 19, 2, 20, 21, 22, 3, .., MT, X,Y\n") # TODO: probably will need to use an alternative means of sorting them since alphabetical is terrible but what we currently use in the test files last_chromosome = chromosome ref_base = reference_genome[chromosome][position - 1] # List of variant dictionaries (variant -> count) with empty dicts for files that have no entry for this loc variants = [vars if (chr == chromosome and pos == position) else {} for chr, pos, vars in parsed_lines] # which samples we actually used a variant of at this location used_samples = [True if (chr == chromosome and pos == position) else False for chr, pos, vars in parsed_lines] # How many variants we had in each sample num_variants = [len(vars) for vars in variants] # Filter variants by those that are NOT just the reference # and do not include "N"s variants = [{var: count for var, count in vars.items() if (var != ref_base and "N" not in var)} for vars in variants] #TODO: note that current versions of do largely the same job as this already # So one could remove most of these checks at some point, but no harm is done in running these # (except for slowing down the process slightly) # Find each sample's most likely variants that aren't just the reference def common_variant(variants): if variants: maximum_count = max(count for var, count in variants.items()) common_variants = [var for var, count in variants.items() if count == maximum_count] # Take random choice of the tied maximally seen variants return numpy.random.choice(common_variants) else: return None most_common_variants = [common_variant(vars) for vars in variants] # Output nothing if we've now discarded all the variants if all(var == None for var in most_common_variants): next_lines = [line if not used else sample_file.readline() for line, used, sample_file in zip(next_lines, used_samples, variant_files)] continue # Find the reference length of the longest variant (i.e. length of the longest indel, or 1 if only SNPs) def variant_length(variant): if variant.startswith("D"): return int(variant[1:]) + 1 # +1 includes the reference base before our deletion else: return 1 length = max(variant_length(variant) for variant in most_common_variants if variant is not None) # Do we have any deletions to handle? # any_dels = any(var.startswith("D") for var in most_common_variants) any_dels = (length > 1) # accommodate the base before the deletion if any_dels: position -= 1 # Give reference of the appropriate size to accommodate the longest variant here ref = reference_genome[chromosome][position - 1:position - 1 + length] sample_descriptions = [] alts = [] for variant, num_vars in zip(most_common_variants, num_variants): if variant is None: sample_descriptions.append("0/0") # ref-ref if no variants for this sample continue # With deletions, include one extra base if any_dels: if variant in "ACGT": # SNP alt = ref[0] + variant + ref[2:] elif variant.startswith("I"): alt = ref[0:2] + variant[1:] + ref[2:] elif variant.startswith("D"): l = int(variant[1:]) alt = ref[0] + ref[1 + l:] else: raise ValueError(f"unknown variant {variant}") else: if variant in "ACGT": # SNP alt = variant elif variant.startswith("I"): alt = ref[0] + variant[1:] elif variant.startswith("D"): raise ValueError(f"shouldn't have a deletion here in variant {variant}") else: raise ValueError(f"unknown variant {variant}") if alt not in alts: alts.append(alt) idx = alts.index(alt) + 1 # 0 is the ref, 1 is the first alt, etc. # We assume that a lone variant is going to be alt-alt # but if there are multiple variants, we always use ref as one # and the most common alt as the other # TODO: should we ever use alt-alt with two different alts? we don't currently if num_vars == 1: sample_descriptions.append(f"{idx}/{idx}") # alt-alt else: sample_descriptions.append(f"0/{idx}") # ref-alt line = "\t".join([chromosome, str(position), ".", ref, ",".join(alts), ".", ".", ".", "GT", "\t".join(sample_descriptions)]) out.write(line + "\n") next_lines = [line if not used else sample_file.readline() for line, used, sample_file in zip(next_lines, used_samples, variant_files)] print(f"Wrote chromosome {last_chromosome} to vcf file") print(f"Finished creating VCF file for Beagle with {i} variant entries") log_file.write(f"Wrote chromosome {last_chromosome} to vcf file\n") log_file.write(f"Finished creating VCF file for Beagle with {i} variant entries\n") log_file.write("ALL DONE!\n")
[docs] def get_commandline_call(self, samples, chr_ploidy_file_path, reference_genome_file_path, seed=None): """ Prepare command to execute the VariantsCompilationStep from the command line, given all of the arugments used to run the execute() function. Parameters ---------- samples : list List of Sample() objects for which variants have been called and need to be merged. chr_ploidy_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names to their male/female ploidy. reference_genome_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names in reference to nucleotide sequence. seed : integer Seed for random number generator. Used so repeated runs will produce the same results. Returns ------- string Command to execute on the command line. It will perform the same operations as a call to execute() with the same parameters. """ #Retrieve path to the script. variant_compilation_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) #If the above command returns a string with a "pyc" extension, instead #of "py", strip off "c" so it points to this script. variant_compilation_path = variant_compilation_path.rstrip('c') command = (f" python {variant_compilation_path}" f" --log_directory_path {self.log_directory_path}" f" --data_directory_path {self.data_directory_path}" f" --sample_ids '{json.dumps(samples)}'" f" --chr_ploidy_file_path {chr_ploidy_file_path}" f" --reference_genome_file_path {reference_genome_file_path}") if seed is not None: command += f" --seed {seed}" return command
[docs] def get_validation_attributes(self, samples, chr_ploidy_file_path, reference_genome_file_path, seed=None): """ Prepare attributes required by is_output_valid() function to validate output generated the VariantsCompilationStep job. Parameters ---------- samples : list List of Sample() objects for which variants have been called and need to be merged. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] chr_ploidy_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names to their male/female ploidy. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] reference_genome_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names in reference to nucleotide sequence. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] seed : integer Seed for random number generator. Used so repeated runs will produce the same results. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] Returns ------- dict A VariantsCompilationStep run's data_directory and log_directory. """ validation_attributes = {} validation_attributes['data_directory'] = self.data_directory_path validation_attributes['log_directory'] = self.log_directory_path return validation_attributes
[docs] @staticmethod def main(): """ Entry point into script. Allows script to be executed/submitted via the command line. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Command line wrapper around' ' the variant compilation step') parser.add_argument('--log_directory_path') parser.add_argument('--data_directory_path') parser.add_argument('--sample_ids') parser.add_argument('--chr_ploidy_file_path') parser.add_argument('--reference_genome_file_path') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None) args = parser.parse_args() variants_compiler = VariantsCompilationStep(args.log_directory_path, args.data_directory_path) sample_id_list = json.loads(args.sample_ids) reference_genome = CampareeUtils.create_genome(args.reference_genome_file_path) chr_ploidy_data = CampareeUtils.create_chr_ploidy_data(args.chr_ploidy_file_path) variants_compiler.execute(sample_id_list, chr_ploidy_data, reference_genome, args.seed)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_output_valid(validation_attributes): """ Check if output of VariantsCompilationStep for a specific job/execution is correctly formed and valid, given the run's data and log directories. Prepare these attributes using the get_validation_attributes() method. Parameters ---------- validation_attributes : dict A CAMPAREE run's data_directory and log_directory. Returns ------- boolean True - VariantsCompilationStep output files were created and are well formed. False - VariantsCompilationStep output files do not exist or are missing data. """ data_directory = validation_attributes['data_directory'] log_directory = validation_attributes['log_directory'] valid_output = False output_file_path = os.path.join(data_directory, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.VARIANTS_COMPILATION_OUTPUT_FILENAME) log_file_path = os.path.join(log_directory, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.VARIANTS_COMPILATION_LOG_FILENAME) if os.path.isfile(output_file_path) and os.path.isfile(log_file_path): #Read last line in variants_finder log file line = "" with open(log_file_path, "r") as log_file: for line in log_file: line = line.rstrip() if line == "ALL DONE!": valid_output = True return valid_output
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(VariantsCompilationStep.main())