Command Line Options

usage: [-h] -c CONFIG [-r RUN_ID] [-d] [-m {lsf,serial,sge}]
                       [-s SEED]

CAMPAREE - RNA molecule simulator (v0.4.0)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

required named arguments:
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Full path to configuration file.

optional named arguments - these override configuration file arguments.:
  -r RUN_ID, --run_id RUN_ID
                        Alphanumberic used to specify run id (letters, numbers
                        and underscores only).
  -d, --debug           Indicates whether additional diagnostics are printed.
  -m {lsf,serial,sge}, --scheduler_mode {lsf,serial,sge}
                        Indicates whether to dispatch jobs serially, or using
                        a job scheduler
  -s SEED, --seed SEED  Optional integer value used as a seed for random
                        number generation.