Installing CAMPAREE

General Instructions

Installation Prerequisites:

  • git
  • python version 3.10
  • Java 1.8

The following installation instructions are for Python3 installed in a Linux environment. Windows/Mac environments, or environments using an Anaconda/Miniconda installation of Python may require slight modifications to the commands below.

  1. Download CAMPAREE and BEERS_UTILS from their respective git repos:

    git clone
    git clone
  2. Create a Python virtual environment to install required Python libraries to:

    python3 -m venv ./venv_camparee
  3. Activate the Python environment:

    source ./venv_camparee/bin/activate
  4. Install required libraries:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -r ../BEERS_UTILS/requirements.txt
  5. Install CAMPAREE and BEERS_UTILS packages in the Python environment:

    pip install -e .
    pip install -e ../BEERS_UTILS
  6. [Optional] Validate installation using the ‘Baby Genome’ as described in the quick start guide.

  7. Prepare/install resource files for the organism of choice (see full instructions in Resource Files section)

Installing CAMPAREE on AWS

While CAMPAREE can run on a single machine, it can require 50-60 GB of RAM to simulated samples from a mammalian-size genome, and a cluster computing environment can substantially decrease run times. For users who do not have access to machines with enough memory or a supported cluster environment, Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide a viable alternative for running CAMPAREE. These instructions assume users have access to an AWS account with associated IAM key pairs, and have a passing familiarity with checking out AWS instances through the web interface (the AWS Management Console).

Note: AWS is an excellent resource for providing pay-as-you-go access to high-end machines. However, as a cloud-based service, it is important users take approrpiate security measure to secure their AWS instances. A full discussion of the many security feature available through AWS, such as restricting access to a range of IP addresses, is the beyond the scope of this document. These instructions are meant as a starting point, and are written to be as broadly applicable as possible. For example, the instructions below create instances with publically accessible IP addresses and AWS-managed EC2 security keys. This is likely sufficient security for users attempting to run the simulator with published data.

Here are instructions for two possible scenarios for running CAMPAREE on AWS.

Single Instance in Serial Mode

By checking out a single, high-memory machine, users can run CAMPAREE on AWS in serial mode. Note, the instructions listed here for checking out an AWS instance rely mostly on the default settings. Users with managed AWS accounts may need to alter their accounts to allow them to checkout instances, and/or adapt these instructions to work within their accounts’ restrictions.

As RAM tends to be the bottleneck for most CAMPAREE processes, rather than the number of CPU cores, we recommend users select a Memory Optimized machine, like the r4.2xlarge (8 vCPUs; 61 GiB RAM).

  1. Go to the EC2 management console to begin launching an AWS instance. Note, the current AWS region for your account is indicated at the top of the Management Console, to the left of the ‘Support’ menu. Any instances you create will launch in this region, so select a region that contains both the instance type, and the EC2 security key you wish to use.

  2. Use the following configuration for the AWS instance:

    AMI: ‘Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type’

    AMIs will vary by AWS region. Enter the above name in the AMI search bar to find the AMI specific to your region. Here are specific AMIs for the four AWS regions in the US.

    AWS Region AMI
    us-east-1 ami-07ebfd5b3428b6f4d (64-bit x86)
    us-east-2 ami-07c1207a9d40bc3bd (64-bit x86)
    us-west-1 ami-0f56279347d2fa43e (64-bit x86)
    us-west-2 ami-003634241a8fcdec0 (64-bit x86)
    Configure Instance Details (defaults except for the following):
    • Network: Depends on user’s account.
    • Subnet: Depends on user’s account.
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Enable
    Add Storage:
    Default volume:

    Size: Still working out recommendations based on input size

    [Optional] Add Tags:

    Key: ‘Name’, Value: ‘CAMPAREE’

    Configure Security Group:

    Depends on user’s account.

    Select EC2 Security Key pair (after clicking ‘Launch Instance’):

    Choose an existing key pair (will only display options from the same regions as the subnet selected above).

  1. Confirm instance details, launch, and wait for the instance to enter running state.

  2. Login to instance with ssh (requires the *.pem file associated with the EC2 security key selected above).

  3. Install CAMPAREE pre-requisites:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y upgrade
    sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-8-jre python3-venv python3-pip
  4. Follow CAMPAREE installation instructions above.

  5. Prepare CAMPAREE config file, making sure to set scheduler_mode: to ‘serial’.

  6. CAMPAREE is now ready to run in serial mode.

AWS ParallelCluster in SGE Mode

The AWS ParallelCluster program provides a command line utility to create and manage a cluster environment entirely on AWS. ParallelCluster will automatically add and remove compute nodes as they are needed, and supports several job managers (including SGE). Currently, the account used to launch the ParallelCluster must have full admin privileges (the default for most unmanaged AWS accounts).

Again, we recommend using Memory Optimized machines, like the r4.2xlarge, for the compute nodes on the ParallelCluster. For the master node, a machine with lower specs, like the m5.large (2 vCPUs; 8 GiB RAM), should be adequate.

Note, these instructions were last tested using ParallelCluster version 2.6.1.

  1. Install AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) version 2 following these instructions.

  2. Configure AWS CLI following these instructions, entering a region matching the desired AWS key pair.

  3. Install AWS ParallelCluster following to these instructions.

  4. Configure ParallelCluster by running the pcluster configure command and entering the following options

    • AWS Region ID: <enter region matching desired EC2 key pair>
    • EC2 Key Pair Name: <select desired EC2 key pair>
    • Scheduler: ‘sge’
    • Operating System: ‘ubuntu1804’ (required for pre-install script used below)
    • Minimum cluster size (instances): ‘1’
    • Maximum cluster size (instances): ‘10’ (By default, extra instances are only added when a job waits in the queue for 10 minutes)
    • Master instance type: m5.large
    • Compute instance type: r4.2xlarge
    • Automate VPC creation? y
    • Network Configuration: Master in a public subnet and compute fleet in a private subnet
  5. Edit ParallelCluster config to add a custom startup script and request additional memory.

    Start by opening the ParallelCluster config file (generally located at ~/.parallelcluster/config) with a text editor.

    • Custom startup script:

      ParallelCluster supports post-install scripts that run on each of the nodes after they’ve been added to the cluster. This script will install all of CAMPAREE’s prerequisites. Append the following line to the end of the [cluster default] section of the config file:

      post_install = s3://
    • Additional disk space:

      ParallelCluster defaults to 20 GiB of hard disk space. CAMPAREE requires additional space to store resource files, input FASTQ files, intermediate files (including parental genomes), and the final output. To increase the amount of shared hard disk space when creating a parallel cluster, make the following additions to the config file. First, append the following line to the end of the [cluster default] section of the config file:

      ebs_settings = default

      Second, append the following lines to the end of the config file, separated from the preceding section by a blank lane:

      [ebs default]
      volume_size = *Still working out recommendations based on input size*
  6. Launch the ParallelCluster:

    pcluster create camparee-cluster
  7. Once the cluster is full initialized, connect to the master node:

    pcluster ssh camparee-cluster -i /path/to/AWS_key_file.pem
  8. Install CAMPAREE on the cluster using the instructions listed above. Note, the prerequisites were already handled by the post-install script.

  9. Prepare CAMPAREE config file, making sure to set scheduler_mode: to ‘sge’.

  10. CAMPAREE is now ready to run in sge mode.

When you have finished running CAMPAREE and have transferred all data off of the cluster, you can shut down and delete the cluster with the following command:

pcluster delete camparee-cluster

Note, all data on the ParallelCluster will be lost after this command completes.