Source code for camparee.update_annotation_for_genome

import argparse
import sys
import os
import collections
import bisect
from timeit import default_timer as timer

from beers_utils.sample import Sample
from camparee.camparee_utils import CampareeUtils
from camparee.abstract_camparee_step import AbstractCampareeStep
from camparee.camparee_constants import CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS

[docs]class UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep(AbstractCampareeStep): """Updates a gene annotation's coordinates to account for insertions & deletions (indels) introduced by GenomeFilesPreparation when it creates variant genomes. Note, this is designed to update annotation for a single variant genome at a time. Parameters ---------- genome_indel_filename : string Path to file containing list of indel locations generated by the GenomeFilesPreparation. This file has no header and contains three, tab-delimited colums (example): 1:134937 D 2 1:138813 I 1 First column = Chromosome and coordinate of indel in the original reference genome. Note, coordinate is zero-based. Second column = "D" if variant is a deletion, "I" if variant is an insertion. Third column = Length in bases of indel. input_annot_filename : string Path to file containing gene/transcript annotations using coordinates to the original reference genome. This file should have 11, tab-delimited columns and includes a header (example): chrom strand txStart txEnd exonCount exonStarts exonEnds transcriptID geneID geneSymbol biotype 1 + 11869 14409 3 11869,12613,13221 12227,12721,14409 ENST00000456328 ENSG00000223972 DDX11L1 pseudogene An annotation file with this format can be generated from a GTF file using the convert_gtf_to_annot_file_format() function in the Utils package. A template for this annotation format is available in the class variable Utils.annot_output_format. updated_annot_filename : string Path to the output file containing gene/transcript annotations with coordinates updated to match the variant genome. log_filename : string Path to the log file. """ #Name of updated annotation file generated by this script. UPDATE_ANNOT_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN = CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.UPDATEANNOT_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN #Name of file where script logging is stored UPDATE_ANNOT_LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN = CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.UPDATEANNOT_LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN def __init__(self, log_directory_path, data_directory_path, parameters=dict()): """Short summary. Parameters ---------- data_directory_path: string Full path to data directory log_directory_path : string Full path to log directory. """ self.data_directory_path = data_directory_path self.log_directory_path = log_directory_path
[docs] def validate(self): return True
[docs] def execute(self, sample, genome_indel_suffix, input_annot_file_path, chr_ploidy_file_path): """Main work-horse function that generates the updated annotation. Parameters ---------- genome_indel_suffix : int Suffix to apply to obtain proper genome indel file. Should be 1 or 2. input_annot_filename : string Full path to annotation file with coordinates for reference genome. """ # Compute which chromosomes we need to have in this annotation # If we are in annotation_2, we only want ones with ploidy 2 in this gender gender_index = 1 if sample.gender == "female" else 0 self.chr_ploidy = self._get_chr_ploidy_from_file(chr_ploidy_file_path) desired_chromosomes = [chromosome for chromosome, ploidies in self.chr_ploidy.items() if ploidies[gender_index] >= int(genome_indel_suffix)] #TODO: Switch all of these filenames/patterns so they are stored/read # from the CAMPAREE CONSTANTS. self.genome_indel_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, f"sample{sample.sample_id}", f"custom_genome_indels_{genome_indel_suffix}.txt") self.input_annot_file_path = input_annot_file_path self.updated_annot_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, f"sample{sample.sample_id}", self.UPDATE_ANNOT_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_indel_suffix)) self.log_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_directory_path, f'sample{sample.sample_id}', self.UPDATE_ANNOT_LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_indel_suffix)) #Load indel offsets from the indel file indel_offsets = UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep._get_offsets_from_variant_file(self.genome_indel_file_path) with open(self.input_annot_file_path, 'r') as input_annot_file, \ open(self.updated_annot_file_path, 'w') as updated_annot_file, \ open(self.log_file_path, 'w') as log_file: #Print header for annotation file updated_annot_file.write("#" + CampareeUtils.annot_output_format.replace('{', '').replace('}', '')) current_chrom = "" for annot_feature in input_annot_file: annot_feature = annot_feature.rstrip('\n') line_data = annot_feature.split('\t') if current_chrom != line_data[0]: #Skip header lines (nest in here so it's only checked when #chromosomes change). if annot_feature[0] == '#': continue current_chrom = line_data[0] log_file.write(f"Processing indels and annotated features from chromosome {current_chrom}.\n") if current_chrom in indel_offsets: """ Since code below will be performing many lookups and index- based references to the values and keys in current_chrom_variants, it will likely be more efficient to create a list of values and a list of keys from current_chrom_variants once, rather than re-creating them each time the code needs to access a key or value by ordered index. """ current_chrom_variant_coords = list(indel_offsets[current_chrom].keys()) current_chrom_variant_offsets = list(indel_offsets[current_chrom].values()) else: #New chromosome contains no variants log_file.write(f"----No indels from chromosome {current_chrom}.\n") current_chrom_variant_coords = () current_chrom_variant_coords = () if current_chrom not in desired_chromosomes: continue #Current chromosome contains variants if current_chrom_variant_coords: tx_start = int(line_data[2]) tx_end = int(line_data[3]) #exon_count = int(line_data[4]) exon_starts = [int(coord) for coord in line_data[5].split(',')] exon_ends = [int(coord) for coord in line_data[6].split(',')] #bisect_right() finds the index at which to insert the given #coordinate in sorted order. Since I'm looking for the #closest coordinate <= the given coordinate, subtract 1 from #the result of bisect_right() to get the correct index. tx_start_offset_index = bisect.bisect_right(current_chrom_variant_coords, tx_start) - 1 tx_end_offset_index = bisect.bisect_right(current_chrom_variant_coords, tx_end) - 1 #No indels before start of current feature. if tx_start_offset_index == -1: updated_tx_start = tx_start #No indels before end of current feature if tx_end_offset_index == -1: updated_tx_end = tx_end updated_exon_starts = exon_starts updated_exon_ends = exon_ends #First indels occur before end of current feature else: updated_tx_end = tx_end + current_chrom_variant_offsets[tx_end_offset_index] updated_exon_starts = [] updated_exon_ends = [] for coord in exon_starts: ex_coord_offset_index = bisect.bisect_right(current_chrom_variant_coords, coord) - 1 updated_exon_coord = coord if ex_coord_offset_index >= 0: updated_exon_coord += current_chrom_variant_offsets[ex_coord_offset_index] updated_exon_starts.append(updated_exon_coord) for coord in exon_ends: ex_coord_offset_index = bisect.bisect_right(current_chrom_variant_coords, coord) - 1 updated_exon_coord = coord if ex_coord_offset_index >= 0: updated_exon_coord += current_chrom_variant_offsets[ex_coord_offset_index] updated_exon_ends.append(updated_exon_coord) #No new variants between the start and stop coordinates, so #apply the same offset to all coordinates in the current #feature. elif tx_start_offset_index == tx_end_offset_index: offset = current_chrom_variant_offsets[tx_start_offset_index] updated_tx_start = tx_start + offset updated_tx_end = tx_end + offset updated_exon_starts = [coord+offset for coord in exon_starts] updated_exon_ends = [coord+offset for coord in exon_ends] else: updated_tx_start = tx_start + current_chrom_variant_offsets[tx_start_offset_index] updated_tx_end = tx_end + current_chrom_variant_offsets[tx_end_offset_index] #Update lists of exon starts/ends with correct offsets updated_exon_starts = [] updated_exon_ends = [] for coord in exon_starts: ex_coord_offset_index = bisect.bisect_right(current_chrom_variant_coords, coord) - 1 updated_exon_coord = coord + current_chrom_variant_offsets[ex_coord_offset_index] updated_exon_starts.append(updated_exon_coord) for coord in exon_ends: ex_coord_offset_index = bisect.bisect_right(current_chrom_variant_coords, coord) - 1 updated_exon_coord = coord + current_chrom_variant_offsets[ex_coord_offset_index] updated_exon_ends.append(updated_exon_coord) #Format updated annotation data and output updated_annot_file.write( CampareeUtils.annot_output_format.format( chrom=line_data[0], strand=line_data[1], txStart=updated_tx_start, txEnd=updated_tx_end, exonCount=line_data[4], exonStarts=','.join([str(x) for x in updated_exon_starts]), exonEnds=','.join([str(x) for x in updated_exon_ends]), transcriptID=line_data[7], geneID=line_data[8], geneSymbol=line_data[9], biotype=line_data[10] ) ) #No variants in the current chromosome, so no need to update #feature coordinates. else: updated_annot_file.write(f"{annot_feature}\n") #Status message used by is_output_valid() method to determine if #this script ran to completion. log_file.write("\nALL DONE!")
[docs] def get_commandline_call(self, sample, genome_indel_suffix, input_annot_file_path, chr_ploidy_file_path): """ Prepare command to execute the UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep from the command line, given all of the arugments used to run the execute() function. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample for which to update annotation to parental genomes genome_indel_suffix : string Suffix to apply to obtain proper genome indel file. This suffix is also used in the name of the updated annotation file. input_annot_file_path : string Full path to annotation file with coordinates for reference genome. chr_ploidy_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names to their male/female ploidy. Returns ------- string Command to execute on the command line. It will perform the same operations as a call to execute() with the same parameters. """ #Retrieve path to the script. update_annotation_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) #If the above command returns a string with a "pyc" extension, instead #of "py", strip off "c" so it points to this script. update_annotation_path = update_annotation_path.rstrip('c') command = (f" python {update_annotation_path}" f" --log_directory_path {self.log_directory_path}" f" --data_directory_path {self.data_directory_path}" f" --sample '{repr(sample)}'" f" --genome_indel_suffix {genome_indel_suffix}" f" --input_annot_file_path {input_annot_file_path}" f" --chr_ploidy_file_path {chr_ploidy_file_path}") return command
[docs] def get_validation_attributes(self, sample, genome_indel_suffix, input_annot_file_path, chr_ploidy_file_path): """ Prepare attributes required by is_output_valid() function to validate output generated the UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep job corresponding to the given sample. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample for which to update annotation to parental genomes genome_indel_suffix : string Suffix to apply to obtain proper genome indel file. This suffix is also used in the name of the updated annotation file. input_annot_file_path : string Full path to annotation file with coordinates for reference genome. chr_ploidy_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names to their male/female ploidy. Returns ------- dict A UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep job's data_directory, log_directory, sample_id, and the suffix used when building the updated genome sequence. """ validation_attributes = {} validation_attributes['data_directory'] = self.data_directory_path validation_attributes['log_directory'] = self.log_directory_path validation_attributes['sample_id'] = sample.sample_id validation_attributes['genome_name'] = genome_indel_suffix return validation_attributes
@staticmethod def _get_chr_ploidy_from_file(chr_ploidy_filename): #TODO: Check to see if this is redundant with CampareeUtils.create_chr_ploidy_data(). chr_ploidy = dict() with open(chr_ploidy_filename) as chr_ploidy_file: chr_ploidy_file.readline() # Header line for line in chr_ploidy_file: chrom, male, female = line.strip().split("\t") chr_ploidy[chrom] = (int(male), int(female)) return chr_ploidy @staticmethod def _get_offsets_from_variant_file(genome_indel_filename): """Read indel file, calculate rolling offset at each variant position and return results as a dictionary of ordered dictionaries, indexed by chromoeomse name. This method requires the genome_indel_filename attribute is set and contains a valid filename. Parameters ---------- genome_indel_filename : string Full path to indel file generated by GenomeFilesPreparation. This file must be sorted by chromosome (any sorting order) and by indel coordinate (numerical order). Returns ------- OrderedDict nested in defaultdict Ordered collection of rolling offsets for each chromosome. For outer defaultdict: Key = chromosome/contig name from indel file Value = OrderedDict (see below) For inner OrderedDict: Key = chromosomal coordinate of variant position Value = rolling offest at variant position So variant_offsets["chr1"][12345] stores the rolling offset at position 12345 on chromosome 1. """ with open(genome_indel_filename, 'r') as genome_indel_file: """ By using the defaultdict object, I can specify the default value used every time I create a new key. This way, I don't need to include code to check and instantiate keys with empty OrderedDict objects. It's all handed by the defaultdict """ variant_offsets = collections.defaultdict(collections.OrderedDict) rolling_offset = 0 curr_chrom = "" for line in genome_indel_file: line_data = line.split('\t') indel_chrom, indel_position = line_data[0].split(':') indel_position = int(indel_position) indel_type = line_data[1] indel_offset = int(line_data[2]) #Reset rolling offset for new chromosome if curr_chrom != indel_chrom: rolling_offset = 0 curr_chrom = indel_chrom #If variant is a deletion, make offset negative so it subtracts #from the rolling offset. if indel_type == 'D': indel_offset *= -1 rolling_offset += indel_offset variant_offsets[indel_chrom][indel_position] = rolling_offset return variant_offsets
[docs] @staticmethod def is_output_valid(validation_attributes): """ Check if output of UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep for a specific job/ execution is correctly formed and valid, given a job's data directory, log directory, and sample id. Prepare these attributes for a given sample's jobs using the get_validation_attributes() method. Parameters ---------- validation_attributes : dict A job's data_directory, log_directory, sample_id, and the suffix used when building the updated genome sequence. Returns ------- boolean True - UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep output files were created and are well formed. False - UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep output files do not exist or are missing data. """ data_directory = validation_attributes['data_directory'] log_directory = validation_attributes['log_directory'] sample_id = validation_attributes['sample_id'] genome_name = validation_attributes['genome_name'] valid_output = False update_annot_outfile_path = os.path.join(data_directory, f"sample{sample_id}", UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep.UPDATE_ANNOT_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_name)) update_annot_logfile_path = os.path.join(log_directory, f"sample{sample_id}", UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep.UPDATE_ANNOT_LOG_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_name)) if os.path.isfile(update_annot_outfile_path) and \ os.path.isfile(update_annot_logfile_path): #Read last line in update_annotation_for_genome log file line = "" with open(update_annot_logfile_path, "r") as update_annot_log_file: for line in update_annot_log_file: line = line.rstrip() if line == "ALL DONE!": valid_output = True return valid_output
[docs] @staticmethod def main(): """Entry point into script when called directly. Parses arguments, gathers input and output filenames, and calls scripts that perform the actual operation. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update annotation file with' ' coordinates for variant genome') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_directory_path', required=True, help="Path to log directory.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--data_directory_path', required=True, help='Path to data directory') parser.add_argument('-g', '--genome_indel_suffix', required=True, type=int, choices=[1,2], help="Integer suffix that distinguishes genome names") parser.add_argument('-i', '--input_annot_file_path', required=True, help="Annotation file using reference coordinates") parser.add_argument('-p', '--chr_ploidy_file_path') parser.add_argument('--sample', default=None, help='String representation of a Sample object. Must provide ' 'this argument or the "--sample_id".') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sample_id', type=int, default=None, help='sample name in vcf when prepended with sample. Overrides' ' id from the "--sample" argument, if it is provided.') args = parser.parse_args() update_annotation = UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep(args.log_directory_path, args.data_directory_path) if args.sample: sample = eval(args.sample) else: #Create dummy sample for debug purposes. sample = Sample(None, "debug sample", None, None, None) #Update sample with sample_id, if specified. if args.sample_id: sample.sample_id = args.sample_id update_annotation.execute(sample=sample, genome_indel_suffix=args.genome_indel_suffix, input_annot_file_path=args.input_annot_file_path, chr_ploidy_file_path=args.chr_ploidy_file_path)
if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep.main()) ''' python \ -i '../../resources/index_files/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.92.annotation.sorted_to_match_fasta.txt' \ -s 1 \ -g 1 \ -d ../../data/pipeline_results_run99/expression_pipeline/data \ -l ../../data/pipeline_results_run99/expression_pipeline/logs '''