Source code for camparee.molecule_maker

import os
import json
import pathlib
import sys
import collections
import argparse
import numpy
import pickle

from camparee.abstract_camparee_step import AbstractCampareeStep
from camparee.camparee_constants import CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS

from beers_utils.molecule_packet import MoleculePacket
from beers_utils.molecule import Molecule
from beers_utils.sample import Sample
from beers_utils.cigar import chain_from_splits, split_cigar, query_seq_length
from beers_utils.general_utils import GeneralUtils
from beers_utils.read_fasta import read_fasta

[docs]class MoleculeMakerStep(AbstractCampareeStep): """ MoleculeMaker generates molecules based off of gene, intron, and allelic quantification files as well as customized genomic sequence and annotation """ OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.MOLECULE_MAKER_OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.MOLECULE_MAKER_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN DEFAULT_MOLECULES_PER_PACKET=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.MOLECULE_MAKER_DEFAULT_NUM_MOLECULES_PER_PACKET # Default filename patterns for output from previous CAMPAREE steps. # _GENE_QUANT_FILENAME=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.TXQUANT_OUTPUT_GENE_FILENAME # _INTRON_QUANT_FILENAME=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.INTRON_OUTPUT_FILENAME # _TX_QUANT_PSI_FILENAME=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.TXQUANT_OUTPUT_PSI_FILENAME #_ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_FILENAME=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME _PARENTAL_TX_FASTA_FILENAME_PATTERN=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.TRANSCRIPTOME_FASTA_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN _PARENTAL_ANNOT_FILENAME_PATTERN=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.UPDATEANNOT_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN _PARENTAL_GENOME_FASTA_FILENAME_PATTERN=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.GENOMEBUILDER_SEQUENCE_FILENAME_PATTERN _PARENTAL_GENOME_INDEL_FILENAME_PATTERN=CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.GENOMEBUILDER_INDEL_FILENAME_PATTERN def __init__(self, log_directory_path, data_directory_path=None, parameters=None): """Constructor for MoleculeMakerStep object. Parameters ---------- log_directory_path : string Full path to log directory. parameters : dict Dictionary of other parameters specified by the config file. This parameter is not used by this class and is retained for uniformity with all other CAMPAREE steps. """ self.log_directory_path = log_directory_path self.data_directory_path = data_directory_path self.min_polyA_tail_length = parameters.get("min_polyA_tail_length", 50) self.max_polyA_tail_length = parameters.get("max_polyA_tail_length", 250) self.parameters = parameters # Nearly all of the validation for this step is already performed in the # expression_pipeline, since the output options in the config file are # specified outside of the standard 'steps' framework.
[docs] def validate(self): if (self.min_polyA_tail_length < 0): return False if (self.min_polyA_tail_length > self.max_polyA_tail_length): return False if (self.max_polyA_tail_length < 0): return False return True
def load_annotation(self, file_path): transcripts = dict() with open(file_path) as annotation_file: for line in annotation_file: if line.startswith("#"): continue # Comment/header line chrom, strand, tx_start, tx_end, exon_count, exon_starts, exon_ends, transcript_id, gene_id, gene_sybmol, *other \ = line.split("\t") transcripts[transcript_id] = (chrom, strand, int(tx_start), int(tx_end), [int(start) for start in exon_starts.split(",")], [int(end) for end in exon_ends.split(",")]) return transcripts
[docs] def load_indels(self, file_path, genome): """ Read in the file of indel locations for a given custom genome :param file_path: path to the indel file :param genome: genomic sequences of this allele The indel file is tab-separated with format "chrom:start type length" and looks like the following: 1:4897762 I 2 1:7172141 I 2 1:7172378 D 1 Assumption is that the file is sorted by start and no indels overlap Returns a 'split cigar string' meaning a list of tuples (op, length) where op is one of M, I, D and length is the length of the match, insert, or deletion Good for use with beers_utils.cigar """ genome_cigars = collections.defaultdict(lambda : collections.deque()) last_indexes = collections.defaultdict(lambda : 0) with open(file_path) as indel_file: for line in indel_file: loc, indel_type, length = line.split('\t') chrom, start = loc.split(':') start = int(start) length = int(length) last_index = last_indexes[chrom] if last_index < start: # Match up to the start of the indel genome_cigars[chrom].append( ('M', start - last_index) ) # Add the indel if indel_type == 'I': genome_cigars[chrom].append( ('I', length) ) last_indexes[chrom] = start else: genome_cigars[chrom].append( ('D', length) ) last_indexes[chrom] = start + length # Gather into a results results = dict() for chrom, sequence in genome.items(): if chrom in genome_cigars: # Add the tail of the chromosome on, if necessary tail = len(sequence) - query_seq_length(genome_cigars[chrom]) if tail > 0: results[chrom] = list(genome_cigars[chrom]) + [('M', tail)] else: results[chrom] = list(genome_cigars[chrom]) else: # All match, no indels results[chrom] = [('M', len(sequence))] return results
[docs] def load_intron_quants(self, file_path): """ Load an intron quantification file as two dictionaries, (transcript ID -> sum FPK of all introns in transcript) and (transcript ID -> list of FPKs of each intron in transcript) """ transcript_intron_quants = dict() # Dictionary transcript -> FPK for all introns in the transcript, combined intron_quants = dict() # Dictioanry transcript -> array of FPKs for each intron in the transcript with open(file_path) as intron_quants_file: for line in intron_quants_file: if line.startswith("#"): continue # Comment/header line gene, transcript, chrom, strand, transcript_intron_reads_FPK, intron_reads_FPK = line.strip().split("\t") transcript_intron_quants[transcript] = float(transcript_intron_reads_FPK) intron_quants[transcript] = [float(quant) for quant in intron_reads_FPK.split(",")] return transcript_intron_quants, intron_quants
[docs] def load_gene_quants(self, file_path): """ Read in a gene quantification file as two lists of gene IDs and of their read quantifications """ genes = [] gene_quants = [] with open(file_path) as gene_quant_file: for line in gene_quant_file: if line.startswith("#"): continue # Comment/header line gene, quant = line.strip().split("\t") genes.append(gene) gene_quants.append(float(quant)) return genes, numpy.array(gene_quants)
[docs] def load_isoform_quants(self, file_path): """ Reads an isoform quant file into a dictionary gene -> (list of transcript IDs, list of psi values) """ isoform_quants = dict() with open(file_path) as isoform_quant_file: for line in isoform_quant_file: if line.startswith("#"): continue # Comment/header line gene, entries = line.strip().split("\t") isoforms = [entry.split(":") for entry in entries.split(",")] isoforms = [(isoform, float(psi)) for isoform, psi in isoforms] isoform_list = [isoform for isoform, psi in isoforms] psi_list = [psi for isoform, psi in isoforms] isoform_quants[gene] = (isoform_list, psi_list) return isoform_quants
[docs] def load_allelic_quants(self, file_path): """ Reads allelic quantification file into a dictionary: gene_id -> (allele 1 probability, allele 2 probability) """ allelic_quant = dict() with open(file_path) as allele_quant_file: for line in allele_quant_file: if line.startswith("#"): continue # Comment/header line gene, allele1, allele2 = line.split("\t") allele1 = float(allele1) allele2 = float(allele2) allelic_quant[gene] = (allele1, allele2) return allelic_quant
def make_molecule(self, sample, rng): # Pick random gene gene_index = rng.choice(len(self.genes), p=self.gene_probabilities) gene = self.genes[gene_index] gene_quant = self.gene_quants[gene_index] # Pick random transcript in gene transcripts, psis = self.isoform_quants[gene] transcript = rng.choice(transcripts, p=psis) # Pick random allele based on the gene's allelic distribution allele_number = rng.choice([1,2], p=self.allelic_quant[gene]) # Read in annotation for the chosen transcript chrom,strand,tx_start,tx_end,starts,ends= self.annotations[allele_number - 1][transcript] # Determine if pre_mRNA or mature mRNA intron_quant = self.transcript_intron_quants[transcript] # TODO: check that this gives the appropriate fraction as pre_mRNA # previously was using intron_quant / (intron_quant + gene_quant) # but if assuming everything is either full pre_mRNA or mature mRNA then this should be # the right fraction, which could happen to be greater than one (!) try: fraction_pre_mRNA = min(intron_quant / (gene_quant), 1) except ZeroDivisionError: # Should not ever get here since a gene with 0 gene_quant should have 0 chance of being chosen # however, if we do, we will just always give pre_mRNA fraction_pre_mRNA = 1.0 pre_mRNA = rng.uniform() < fraction_pre_mRNA if pre_mRNA: # If chosen to be pre_mRNA, overwrite the usual exon starts/ends with a single, big "exon" starts = [tx_start] ends = [tx_end] # Find cigar string relative to the reference genome (i.e. custom_genome_1 or custom_genome_2) gaps = [next_start - last_end - 1 for next_start,last_end in zip(starts[1:],ends[:-1])] cigar = ''.join( f"{end - start + 1}M{gap}N" for start,end,gap in zip(starts[:-1],ends[:-1],gaps)) \ + f"{ends[-1] - starts[-1] + 1}M" cigar_split = split_cigar(cigar) ref_start, ref_cigar, _ = chain_from_splits( starts[0], cigar_split, strand, 1, self.genome_cigar_splits[allele_number - 1][chrom], "+" ) transcript_id = f"{sample.sample_id}_{transcript}_{allele_number}{'_pre_mRNA' if pre_mRNA else ''}" # Build the actual sequence chrom_sequence = self.genomes[allele_number - 1][chrom] sequence = ''.join( chrom_sequence[start-1:end] for start,end in zip(starts, ends) ) if strand == '-': # We always give the sequence from 5' to 3' end of the RNA molecule # so reverse complement this sequence = GeneralUtils.create_complement_strand(sequence) # NOTE: cigar string stays the same since that is relative to the + strand # TODO: for now, everything gets polyA but maybe shouldn't polyA_tail = True if polyA_tail: # TODO: polyA tails should vary in length # Add polyA tail to 3' end polyA_length = rng.integers(self.min_polyA_tail_length, self.max_polyA_tail_length + 1) sequence = sequence + "A"*polyA_length # Soft-clip the polyA tail at the end since it shouldn't align if strand == "+": cigar = cigar + f"{polyA_length}S" ref_cigar = ref_cigar + f"{polyA_length}S" else: cigar = f"{polyA_length}S" + cigar # Relative to + strand, the A's are going on the 5' end ref_cigar = f"{polyA_length}S" + ref_cigar return sequence, starts[0], cigar, ref_start, ref_cigar, strand, chrom, transcript_id def make_packet(self, sample, rng, id="packet0", N=10_000): molecules = [] for i in range(N): sequence, start, cigar, ref_start, ref_cigar, strand, chrom, transcript_id = self.make_molecule(sample, rng) mol = Molecule( Molecule.new_id(transcript_id), sequence, start = start, # relative to the true ('parental') genome cigar = cigar, strand = strand, source_start = ref_start, # relative to the reference genome source_cigar = ref_cigar, source_strand = strand, transcript_id = transcript_id, source_chrom = chrom) molecules.append(mol) return MoleculePacket(id, sample, molecules)
[docs] def make_molecule_file(self, filepath, sample, rng, N=10_000): """ Write out molecules to a tab-separated file Note: we write out a molecules start and cigar relative to the appropriate custom genome, either _1 or _2 as per the transcript id """ with open(filepath, "w") as molecule_file: header = "#transcript_id\tchrom\tstart\tcigar\tref_start\tref_cigar\tstrand\tsequence\n" molecule_file.write(header) for i in range(N): sequence, start, cigar, ref_start, ref_cigar, strand, chrom, transcript_id = self.make_molecule(sample, rng) line = "\t".join([transcript_id, chrom, str(start), cigar, str(ref_start), ref_cigar, strand, sequence] ) + "\n" molecule_file.write(line)
[docs] def execute(self, sample, sample_data_directory, output_type, output_molecule_count, seed=None, molecules_per_packet=None, rng=None): """This is the main method that generates simulated molecules and saves/ exports them in the desired format. It uses the gene, transcript, intron, and allelic imbalance distributions generated by the other CAMPAREE steps. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample object corresponding to the input distributions. When exporting molecule packets, this Sample object is used to instantiate the MoleculePacket object. sample_data_directory : string Path to directory containing the data for the sample. output_type : string Type of file or object used to save or export simulated molecules. Sould be one of {', '.join(MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS.keys())}. output_molecule_count : integer Total number of molecules to save/export for the current Sample. seed : integer [OPTIONAL] Seed for random number generator. Used so repeated runs can produce the same results. molecules_per_packet : integer [OPTIONAL] Maximum number of molecules in each molecule packet. Must be positive, non-zero integer (this is not currently checked). rng: numpy Generator [OPTIONAL] If provided, will use this for generating random numbers. Otherwise, uses default RNG """ if rng is None: rng = numpy.random.default_rng(seed) sample_log_dir = pathlib.Path(self.log_directory_path) / f'sample{sample.sample_id}' print(sample_log_dir.resolve()) sample_log_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) log_file_path = sample_log_dir / CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.MOLECULE_MAKER_LOG_FILENAME output_file_extension = MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS[output_type] if not molecules_per_packet: molecules_per_packet=MoleculeMakerStep.DEFAULT_MOLECULES_PER_PACKET with open(log_file_path, "w") as log_file: print(f"Generating molecules for sample{sample.sample_id}.") log_file.write(f"Generating molecules for sample{sample.sample_id}.\n") intron_quant_path = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.INTRON_OUTPUT_FILENAME) gene_quant_path = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.TXQUANT_OUTPUT_GENE_FILENAME) psi_quant_path = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.TXQUANT_OUTPUT_PSI_FILENAME) allele_quant_path = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME) log_file.write(f"Parameters:\n" f" Output file type: {output_type}\n" f" Output file extension: {output_file_extension}\n" f" Num molecules to generate: {output_molecule_count}\n" f" Num molecules per packet: {molecules_per_packet}\n" f" Random seed value: {seed}\n") log_file.write(f"Distribution files:\n" f" Intron quant file: {intron_quant_path}\n" f" Gene quant file: {gene_quant_path}\n" f" PSI quant file: {psi_quant_path}\n" f" Allele quant file: {allele_quant_path}\n") print('Loading gene, intron, transcript PSI, and allelic imbalance' ' distributions.') log_file.write('Loading gene, intron, transcript PSI, and allelic' ' imbalance distributions.\n') # Read and load data from gene, intron, transcript PSI, and allelic # imbalance distribution files. self.genes, self.gene_quants = self.load_gene_quants(gene_quant_path) self.gene_probabilities = self.gene_quants / numpy.sum(self.gene_quants) self.transcript_intron_quants, self.intron_quants = self.load_intron_quants(intron_quant_path) self.isoform_quants = self.load_isoform_quants(psi_quant_path) self.allelic_quant = self.load_allelic_quants(allele_quant_path) print('Loading annotations, transcriptome sequences, and genome sequences' ' from both parental genomes.') log_file.write('Loading annotations, transcriptome sequences, and genome' ' sequences from both parental genomes.\n') # Read and load annotations, as well as full transcriptome and genome # sequences for each parental genome. This information is used when # generating the simulated molecule sequences. self.annotations = \ [self.load_annotation(os.path.join(sample_data_directory, self._PARENTAL_ANNOT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_name))) for genome_name in [1,2]] self.genomes = \ [read_fasta(os.path.join(sample_data_directory, self._PARENTAL_GENOME_FASTA_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_name)), replace_Ns = True, rng = rng) for genome_name in [1,2]] print('Loading indel information from both parental genomes.') log_file.write('Loading indel information from both parental genomes.\n') # Read and load indel data for each parental genome. This information is # used when constructing CIGAR strings mapping transcripts back to their # locations in the original reference genome. self.genome_cigar_splits = [self.load_indels( os.path.join(sample_data_directory, self._PARENTAL_GENOME_INDEL_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=genome_name)), self.genomes[genome_name-1]) for genome_name in [1,2]] # Generate molecules and save/export them according to output type. print('Generating molecules and saving/exporting the results.') log_file.write('Generating molecules and saving/exporting the results.') print(f"Molecule maker output type {repr(output_type)}") if output_type == "packet": # TODO: potentially rounds down the number of molecules to make num_packets = output_molecule_count // molecules_per_packet for i in range(1,num_packets+1): print(f" Generating packet {i} of {num_packets}") log_file.write(f" Generating packet {i} of {num_packets}\n") packet = self.make_packet(sample=sample, id=f"sample{sample.sample_id}.{i}", N=molecules_per_packet, rng=rng) #TODO: id needs to be an integer molecule_packet_filename = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, self.OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(output_type=output_type, packet_num=i, extension=output_file_extension)) with open(molecule_packet_filename, "wb") as out_file: pickle.dump(packet, out_file) elif output_type == "file": molecule_output_filename = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, self.OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(output_type=output_type, packet_num="", extension=output_file_extension)) print(f"Generating molecule file {molecule_output_filename}.") log_file.write(f"Generating molecule file {molecule_output_filename}.") self.make_molecule_file(filepath=molecule_output_filename, N = output_molecule_count, sample = sample, rng = rng) elif output_type == "generator": def generator(): num_packets = output_molecule_count // molecules_per_packet print(f"Generating {num_packets} packets") for i in range(1, num_packets+1): packet = self.make_packet(sample=sample, id=i, N=molecules_per_packet, rng=rng) yield packet return generator() else: raise ValueError(f"Expected output_type to be 'packet', 'file', or 'generator'. Instead got {repr(output_type)}") log_file.write("\nALL DONE!\n")
[docs] def get_commandline_call(self, sample, sample_data_directory, output_type, output_molecule_count, seed=None, molecules_per_packet=None): """Prepare command to execute the MoleculeMakerStep from the command line, given all of the arugments used to run the execute() function. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample object corresponding to the input distributions. When exporting molecule packets, this Sample object is used to instantiate the MoleculePacket object. sample_data_directory : string Path to directory containing the sample data output_type : string Type of file or object used to save or export simulated molecules. Sould be one of {', '.join(MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS.keys())}. output_molecule_count : integer Total number of molecules to save/export for the current Sample. seed : integer [OPTIONAL] Seed for random number generator. Used so repeated runs can produce the same results. molecules_per_packet : integer [OPTIONAL] Maximum number of molecules in each molecule packet. Must be positive, non-zero integer (this is not currently checked). Returns ------- string Command to execute on the command line. It will perform the same operations as a call to execute() with the same parameters. """ #Retrieve path to the script. molecule_maker_step_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) #If the above command returns a string with a "pyc" extension, instead #of "py", strip off "c" so it points to this script. molecule_maker_step_path = molecule_maker_step_path.rstrip('c') command = (f" python {molecule_maker_step_path}" f" --parameters '{json.dumps(self.parameters)}'" f" --log_directory_path {self.log_directory_path}" f" --sample_data_directory {sample_data_directory}" f" --sample '{repr(sample)}'" f" --output_type {output_type}" f" --output_molecule_count {output_molecule_count}") if seed is not None: command += f" --seed {seed}" if molecules_per_packet: command += f" --molecules_per_packet {molecules_per_packet}" return command
[docs] def get_validation_attributes(self, sample, sample_data_directory, output_type, output_molecule_count, seed=None, molecules_per_packet=None): """Prepare attributes required by is_output_valid() function to validate output generated by the MoleculeMakerStep job. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample object corresponding to the input distributions. When exporting molecule packets, this Sample object is used to instantiate the MoleculePacket object. sample_data_path : string Path to directory containing all the sample data. output_type : string Type of file or object used to save or export simulated molecules. Sould be one of {', '.join(MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS.keys())}. output_molecule_count : integer Total number of molecules to save/export for the current Sample. seed : integer [OPTIONAL] Seed for random number generator. Used so repeated runs can produce the same results. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] molecules_per_packet : integer [OPTIONAL] Maximum number of molecules in each molecule packet. Must be positive, non-zero integer (this is not currently checked). Returns ------- dict A MoleculeMakerStep job's sample_data_directory, log_directory, corresponding sample ID, output file type, output molecule count, and the number of molecules per packet. """ validation_attributes = {} validation_attributes['log_directory'] = self.log_directory_path validation_attributes['sample_data_directory'] = sample_data_directory validation_attributes['sample_id'] = sample.sample_id validation_attributes['output_type'] = output_type validation_attributes['output_molecule_count'] = output_molecule_count validation_attributes['molecules_per_packet'] = molecules_per_packet return validation_attributes
[docs] @staticmethod def is_output_valid(validation_attributes): """Check if output of MoleculeMakerStep for a specific job/execution is correctly formed and valid, given a job's data directory, log directory, sample ID, output file type, output molecule count, and the number of molecules per packet (if provided). Prepare these attributes for a given job using the get_validation_attributes() method. Parameters ---------- validation_attributes : dict A job's data_directory, log_directory, corresponding sample_id, output file type, output molecule count, and the number of molecules per packet (if provided). Returns ------- boolean True - MoleculeMakerStep output files were created and are well formed. False - MoleculeMakerStep output files do not exist or are missing data. """ sample_data_directory = validation_attributes['sample_data_directory'] log_directory_path = validation_attributes['log_directory'] sample_id = validation_attributes['sample_id'] output_type = validation_attributes['output_type'] output_molecule_count = validation_attributes['output_molecule_count'] molecules_per_packet = validation_attributes.get('molecules_per_packet') output_file_extension = MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS[output_type] if not molecules_per_packet: molecules_per_packet = MoleculeMakerStep.DEFAULT_MOLECULES_PER_PACKET valid_output = False # Construct output filenames/paths log_file_path = os.path.join(log_directory_path, f'sample{sample_id}', CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.MOLECULE_MAKER_LOG_FILENAME) # Check existence of output files. If output type is molecule packet, # there will be multiple output files and this code will check that they # all exist (based on number of molecules per packet). all_molecule_files_exist = False if output_type == "packet": total_num_packets = output_molecule_count // molecules_per_packet num_packets_exist = 0 for i in range(1, total_num_packets+1): molecule_packet_file = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(output_type=output_type, packet_num=i, extension=output_file_extension)) if os.path.isfile(molecule_packet_file): num_packets_exist += 1 if total_num_packets == num_packets_exist: all_molecule_files_exist = True elif output_type == "file": molecule_file = os.path.join(sample_data_directory, MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(output_type=output_type, packet_num="", extension=output_file_extension)) all_molecule_files_exist = os.path.isfile(molecule_file) elif output_type == "generator": pass # Always valid else: # Unknown output type specified valid_output = False # TODO: Report reason why out validation failed. if all_molecule_files_exist and os.path.isfile(log_file_path): #Read last line in log file line = "" with open(log_file_path, "r") as log_file: for line in log_file: line = line.rstrip() if line == "ALL DONE!": valid_output = True return valid_output
[docs] @staticmethod def main(): """Entry point into script. Parses the argument list to obtain all the files needed and feeds them to the class constructor. Calls the appropriate methods thereafter. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate simulated molecules and export/save.') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_directory_path', required=True, help="Path to log directory.") parser.add_argument('--parameters', required=True, help="JSON of parameters") parser.add_argument('-d', '--sample_data_directory', required=True, help='Path to sample data directory') parser.add_argument('--sample', required=True, help='String representation of a Sample object.') parser.add_argument('--output_type', required=True, help=f"Type of molecule output ({', '.join(MoleculeMakerStep.OUTPUT_OPTIONS_W_EXTENSIONS.keys())}).") parser.add_argument('--output_molecule_count', type=int, required=True, help='Number of molecules to generate.') parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=None, required=False, help='Seed value for random number generator.') parser.add_argument('--molecules_per_packet', type=int, default=None, required=False, help='Number of molecules per molecule packet. ' 'Only used if output_type set to "packet".') args = parser.parse_args() sample = eval(args.sample) molecule_maker = MoleculeMakerStep( log_directory_path=args.log_directory_path, parameters = json.loads(args.parameters)) molecule_maker.execute(sample=sample, sample_data_directory=args.sample_data_directory, output_type=args.output_type, output_molecule_count=args.output_molecule_count, seed=args.seed, molecules_per_packet=args.molecules_per_packet)
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(MoleculeMakerStep.main())