Source code for camparee.genome_builder

from io import StringIO
import re
import os
import sys
import argparse
from collections import namedtuple
import itertools
from camparee.camparee_utils import CampareeUtils, CampareeException
from camparee.abstract_camparee_step import AbstractCampareeStep
from beers_utils.sample import Sample
from beers_utils.constants import CONSTANTS
from camparee.camparee_constants import CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS

SingleInstanceVariant = namedtuple('SingleInstanceVariant', ['chromosome', 'position', 'description'])

[docs]class GenomeBuilderStep(AbstractCampareeStep): def __init__(self, log_directory_path, data_directory_path, parameters=dict()): self.data_directory_path = data_directory_path self.variant_line_pattern = re.compile(r'^([^|]+):(\d+) \| (.*)\tTOT') self.ignore_indels = parameters.get('ignore_indels', False) self.ignore_snps = parameters.get('ignore_snps', False) self.genome_names = ['1', '2'] self.sample_id = None self.reference_genome = None self.phased_vcf_file_path = None self.ploidy_data = None self.variants_file_path = None self.log_directory_path = log_directory_path
[docs] def validate(self): return True
[docs] def get_missing_chr_list(self): """ Return a list of those chromosomes from chr_ploidy_data that are missing for the sample's gender. If no sample gender is specified, only return a list of chromosomes from chr_ploidy_data where the chromosomes are missing for both genders (unlikely scenario). :return: list of chromosomes that are missing for this sample (likely owing to its gender) """ if not self.gender: return [chr_ for chr_ in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys() if self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][CONSTANTS.MALE_GENDER] != self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][CONSTANTS.FEMALE_GENDER]] return [chr_ for chr_ in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys() if self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][self.gender] == 0]
[docs] def get_unpaired_chr_list(self): """ Return a list of those chromosomes from chr_ploidy_data that are unpaired for the sample's gender. If no sample gender is specified, only return a list of chromosomes from chr_ploidy_data where the chromosomes are unpaired for both genders. :return: list of chromosomes that are unpaired for this sample (likely owing to its gender) """ if not self.gender: return [chr_ for chr_ in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys() if self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][CONSTANTS.MALE_GENDER] == self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][CONSTANTS.FEMALE_GENDER] == 1] return [chr_ for chr_ in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys() if self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][self.gender] == 1]
[docs] def get_paired_chr_list(self): """ Return a list of those chromosomes from chr_ploidy_data that are paired for the sample's gender. If no sample gender is specified, only return a list of chromosomes from chr_ploidy_data where the chromosomes are paired for both genders. :return: list of chromosomes that are paired for this sample (likely owing to its gender) """ if not self.gender: return [chr_ for chr_ in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys() if self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][CONSTANTS.MALE_GENDER] == self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][CONSTANTS.FEMALE_GENDER] == 2] return [chr_ for chr_ in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys() if self.chr_ploidy_data[chr_][self.gender] == 2]
[docs] def get_unpaired_chr_variant_data(self): """ There should be at most, one variant for any given position in an unpaired chromosome. This method groups the variant records by chromosome for those chromosomes found in the unpaired chr list and adds a single instance variant to the an unpaired_chr_variants list for every such variant found and returns the list. :return: A list of all unpaired chromosome variants """ unpaired_chr_variants = [] with open(self.variants_file_path) as variants_file: for chromosome, data in self.group_data(variants_file, lambda line: line[:line.find(':')]): if chromosome not in self.unpaired_chr_list: continue for line in data: match = re.match(self.variant_line_pattern, line) variant_chromosome = position = int( - 1 variant =' | ')[0].split(":")[0] unpaired_chr_variants.append(SingleInstanceVariant(variant_chromosome, position, variant)) return unpaired_chr_variants
[docs] def build_sequence_from_variant(self, genome, variant, reference_base): """ Applies the variant provided to the custom genome provided in accordance with the variant's format (e.g., D indicates delete followed by number of bases to delete, I indicates insert followed by bases to insert, and no D or I indicates a single base change. :param genome: custom genome to which the variant is applied :param variant: variant to apply :param reference_base: base to use in place of indels when the option to ignore indels is selected. """ # Indel called for but ignore indels is specified or SNP called for but ignore snps is specified, # then revert to reference base if (self.ignore_indels and ("I" in variant[0] or "D" in variant[0])) \ or (self.ignore_snps and not ("I" in variant[0] or "D" in variant[0])): genome.append_segment(reference_base) return # Insert called for if "I" in variant[0]: segment_to_insert = variant[1:] genome.insert_segment(segment_to_insert) return # Delete called for if "D" in variant[0]: length_to_delete = int(variant[1:]) genome.delete_segment(length_to_delete) return # SNP called for base_to_append = variant[0] genome.append_segment(base_to_append)
[docs] def locate_sample(self): """ Find the position of the sample in the phased vcf data :return: The position of the sample in a line of phased vcf data """ # open_file function checks if file is gzipped and opens it appropriately. # Reading in binary mode so it's combatible with decode command below. # TODO: Assess whether or not there's any advantage to having an explicit # decode step when the open_file function returns text by default. with CampareeUtils.open_file(self.phased_vcf_file_path, "rb") as phased_vcf_file: for line in phased_vcf_file: line = line.decode('ascii') if line[0] == '#' and line[0:2] != "##": field_headings = line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') sample_ids = field_headings[9:] if self.sample_id not in sample_ids: raise CampareeException(f"Sample {self.sample_id} not found in the provided VCF file") sample_index = field_headings.index(self.sample_id) break elif line[0:2] == "##": continue else: raise CampareeException(f"No sample data found.") return sample_index
[docs] def execute(self, sample, phased_vcf_file_path, chr_ploidy_data, reference_genome, chromosome_list=None): """Entry point for genome builder. Uses chr_ploidy_data and reference_genome resources along with phased vcf data (Beagle-generated by default) and variant finder output to build two custom genomes. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample for which the genome is being built. phased_vcf_file_path : string VCF file of phased genotypes for each sample. Generate using Beagle by default, but can be provided by the user. chr_ploidy_data : dict Dictionary indicating chromosomes to be processed and their ploidy based on sample gender. reference_genome : dict Dictionary relating chr to its reference sequence. chromosome_list : list A debug feature that overrides the chr_ploidy_data chr list. Useful for testing a specific chromosome only or a small subset of chromosomes. """ self.phased_vcf_file_path = phased_vcf_file_path self.chr_ploidy_data = chr_ploidy_data self.reference_genome = reference_genome # The chromosome list derived from the chr_ploidy_data is the gold standard. Only those chromosomes/contigs # are processed. self.chromosome_list = chromosome_list if chromosome_list else list(chr_ploidy_data.keys()) self.sample_id = f'sample{sample.sample_id}' self.gender = sample.gender self.variants_file_path = os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, self.sample_id, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.VARIANTS_FINDER_OUTPUT_FILENAME) sample_index = self.locate_sample() self.genome_output_directory = os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, self.sample_id) self.log_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_directory_path, self.sample_id, CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.GENOMEBUILDER_LOG_FILENAME) self.unpaired_chr_list = self.get_unpaired_chr_list() self.unpaired_chr_variants = self.get_unpaired_chr_variant_data() self.paired_chr_list = self.get_paired_chr_list() # How the chromosome should be processed depends upon whether it is paired or not. for chromosome in self.chromosome_list: if chromosome in self.unpaired_chr_list: self.make_unpaired_chromosome(chromosome) elif chromosome in self.paired_chr_list: self.make_paired_chromosome(chromosome, sample_index) elif chromosome not in self.get_missing_chr_list() and chromosome in self.chr_ploidy_data.keys(): # We should never get here since the conditions above should be mutually exclusive. self.make_reference_chromosome(chromosome) #Final entry in log file to indicate execution() method finished. with open(self.log_file_path, 'a') as log_file: log_file.write('\nALL DONE!\n')
[docs] def get_commandline_call(self, sample, phased_vcf_file_path, chr_ploidy_file_path, reference_genome_file_path, chromosome_list=None): """ Prepare command to execute the GenomeBuilderStep from the command line, given all of the arugments used to run the execute() function. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample for which to construct parental genomes phased_vcf_file_path : string VCF file of phased genotypes for each sample. Generate using Beagle by default, but can be provided by the user. chr_ploidy_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names to their male/female ploidy. reference_genome_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names in reference to nucleotide sequence. chromosome_list : list A debug feature that overrides the chr_ploidy_data chr list. Useful for testing a specific chromosome only or a small subset of chromosomes. Returns ------- string Command to execute on the command line. It will perform the same operations as a call to execute() with the same parameters. """ #Retrieve path to the script. genome_builder_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) #If the above command returns a string with a "pyc" extension, instead #of "py", strip off "c" so it points to this script. genome_builder_path = genome_builder_path.rstrip('c') #Note, the construction of this command line call deviates a bit from the #other steps (various options are specified explicitly, rather than passing #a json dump of the config parameters). This command was already in place #before we added command line functionality to the majority of the other #steps. I'm leaving this as-is to maintain functionalty with anyone else's #previous code or tests. command = (f" python {genome_builder_path}" f" --log_directory_path {self.log_directory_path}" f" --data_directory_path {self.data_directory_path}" f" --sample '{repr(sample)}'" f" --phased_vcf_file_path {phased_vcf_file_path}" f" --chr_ploidy_file_path {chr_ploidy_file_path}" f" --reference_genome_file_path {reference_genome_file_path}") if self.ignore_indels: command += " --ignore_indels" if self.ignore_snps: command += " --ignore_snps" if chromosome_list: #Create comma-searated list of chromosomes command += f" --chromosomes {','.join(str(chr) for chr in chromosome_list)}" return command
[docs] def get_validation_attributes(self, sample, phased_vcf_file_path, chr_ploidy_file_path, reference_genome_file_path, chromosome_list=None): """ Prepare attributes required by is_output_valid() function to validate output generated the GenomeBuilderStep job corresponding to the given sample. Parameters ---------- sample : Sample Sample for which custom parental genomes will be generated. phased_vcf_file_path : string VCF file of phased genotypes for each sample. Generate using Beagle by default, but can be provided by the user. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] chr_ploidy_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names to their male/female ploidy. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] reference_genome_file_path : string File that maps chromosome names in reference to nucleotide sequence. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] chromosome_list : list A debug feature that overrides the chr_ploidy_data chr list. Useful for testing a specific chromosome only or a small subset of chromosomes. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] Returns ------- dict A GenomeBuilderStep job's data_directory, log_directory, sample_id, and a list of the genome names used by the GenomeBuilderStep to refer to each of the parental genomes (i.e. 1 and 2 for male and female parent, respectively). """ validation_attributes = {} validation_attributes['data_directory'] = self.data_directory_path validation_attributes['log_directory'] = self.log_directory_path validation_attributes['sample_id'] = sample.sample_id validation_attributes['genome_names'] = self.genome_names return validation_attributes
[docs] def make_reference_chromosome(self, chromosome): """ Here, the reference sequence for the given chromosome is copied as it, into the custom genomes. :param chromosome: The chromosome for which the reference sequence is used. """ print(f'Processing chromosome {chromosome} using reference genome chromosome sequence.') reference_sequence = self.reference_genome[chromosome] with open(self.log_file_path, 'a') as log_file: position = len(reference_sequence) genomes = [Genome(self.genome_names[0], chromosome, reference_sequence, position, self.genome_output_directory)] # Add reference sequence to both genomes only if the chromosome is designated as paired. if chromosome in self.paired_chr_list: genomes.append(Genome(self.genome_names[1], chromosome, reference_sequence, position, self.genome_output_directory)) for genome in genomes: log_file.write(f"Final Genome (from reference) for chromosome {chromosome}: {genome}\n") genome.save_to_file()
[docs] def make_unpaired_chromosome(self, chromosome): """ Here, the samples variants data is threaded together with the reference sequence to create a custom sequence for the given chromosome. :param chromosome: The chromosome for which the reference sequence is altered by variant data. """ reference_sequence = self.reference_genome[chromosome] genome = None variants = list(filter(lambda x: x.chromosome == chromosome, self.unpaired_chr_variants)) # If no variants are found for this chromosome, copy over the reference sequence instead. if not variants: self.make_reference_chromosome(chromosome) return print(f'Processing chromosome {chromosome} from unpaired chromosome list.') with open(self.log_file_path, 'a') as log_file: for index, variant in enumerate(variants): if index == 0: log_file.write(f"Appending" f" {len(reference_sequence[:variant.position])}" f" bases of reference sequence at reference position " f" 0 to start both genomes for chromosome {chromosome}.\n") start_sequence = reference_sequence[0: variant.position] # We don't care where an unpaired chromosome ends up. So we put it into the first of the two # genomes. Whether the chromosome was contributed by the mother or the father is of no # importance. genome = Genome(self.genome_names[0], chromosome, start_sequence, variant.position, self.genome_output_directory) # If the nascent genome seq position translated to reference is downstream of the variant # ignore the variant for this genome. if genome.position + genome.offset > variant.position: continue else: # If the nascent genome seq position translated to reference is upstream of the variant add # the appropriate reference segment to catch up if genome.position + genome.offset < variant.position: log_file.write(f"Adding {variant.position - genome.position - genome.offset}" f" bases of reference sequence at reference position" f" {genome.position + genome.offset} for chromosome {chromosome}\n") genome.append_segment(reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset: variant.position]) # At this point, the nascent genome seq position is at that of the variant. So change introduced # by the variant can be incorporated. reference_base = reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset: variant.position] self.build_sequence_from_variant(genome, variant.description, reference_base) log_file.write(f"Currently: {genome}\n") log_file.write(f"Appending" f" {len(reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset:])}" f" bases of reference sequence at reference position " f" {genome.position + genome.offset} to complete the genome for" f" chromosome {chromosome}.\n") genome.append_segment(reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset:]) log_file.write(f"Final Genome for chromosome {chromosome}: {genome}\n") genome.save_to_file()
[docs] def make_paired_chromosome(self, chromosome, sample_index): """ Here, the beagle data for the given sample is threaded together with the reference sequence to create a custom sequence for the given chromosome. Below is a snippet of a beagle vcf file for 6 samples along with a header. If phased vcf file comes from a program other than Beagle, it must match this format. #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6 ... chr1 257558 . A G . PASS . GT 0|1 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 chr1 257559 . G C,GAG . PASS . GT 0|1 0|2 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 chr1 257560 . C A . PASS . GT 1|0 1|0 0|0 1|0 0|0 0|0 chr1 257570 . C CAA,CA . PASS . GT 1|0 0|0 0|0 0|0 0|1 2|0 :param chromosome: The chromosome for which the reference sequence is altered by phased vcf data. :param sample_index: identifies the position of the subject sample in the phased vcf data. """ reference_sequence = self.reference_genome[chromosome] # open_file function checks if file is gzipped and opens it appropriately. # Reading in binary mode so it's combatible with decode command below. # TODO: Assess whether or not there's any advantage to having an explicit # decode step when the open_file function returns text by default. with CampareeUtils.open_file(self.phased_vcf_file_path, "rb") as phased_vcf_file: for key, data in self.group_data(phased_vcf_file, lambda line: line.decode('ascii').split('\t')[0]): if key == chromosome: break else: # If the paired chromosome is not found in the phased vcf file, use the reference chromosome. self.make_reference_chromosome(chromosome) return print(f'Processing chromosome {chromosome} from paired chromosome list.') with open(self.log_file_path, 'a') as log_file: genomes = [Genome(self.genome_names[0], chromosome, '', 0, self.genome_output_directory), Genome(self.genome_names[1], chromosome, '', 0, self.genome_output_directory)] for datum in data: fields = datum.decode('ascii').rstrip('\n').split('\t') log_file.write(f"Phased VCF Field: {fields}\n") vcf_chromosome, position, _, ref, alts, *others = fields position = int(position) alts = alts.split(',') # Collect alt, ref selections for this sample where 0 = ref and > 0 = alt (i.e., 0/1 = ref for 1st # parent chr and alt for 2nd while 1/2 = 1st alt for 1st parent chr and 2nd alt for 2nd, etc.) sample = fields[sample_index].strip().split('|') alt_indexes = [int(s) for s in sample] # Making position 0 based. position -= 1 for genome_index, genome in enumerate(genomes): # If the nascent genome seq position translated to reference is downstream of the variant # ignore the variant for this genome. if genome.position + genome.offset > position: print(f"Skipping {datum} in {genome_index}: already at {genome.position} + {genome.offset}") continue # If the nascent genome seq position translated to reference is upstream of the variant add # the appropriate reference segment to catch up if genome.position + genome.offset < position: log_file.write(f"Adding {position - genome.position - genome.offset}" f" bases of reference sequence at reference position" f" {genome.position + genome.offset} to genome_{}\n") genome.append_segment(reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset: position]) # Identify alt or ref for current parent alt_index = alt_indexes[genome_index] # Apply the ref or alt as appropriate if alt_index == 0: genome.append_segment(ref) else: # Get the appropriate alt as given by the index - 1 (since the 1st alt is given by 1) alt = alts[alt_index-1] # Apply a snp alt only if the ignore_snps parameter is not set if len(alt) == len(ref): if self.ignore_snps: genome.append_segment(ref) else: genome.append_segment(alt) # Otherwise, apply only if the ignore_indels parameter is not set else: if self.ignore_indels: genome.append_segment(ref) elif len(alt) > len(ref): # VCF encodes insertions like AT -> ACGT as ref=A, alt=ACG # So the 'A' is just a match while the CG is an insertion assert alt[:len(ref)] == ref genome.append_segment(ref) genome.insert_segment(alt[len(ref):]) else: # Deletions are assumed to always be at the end of the ref # per VCF standard (we don't all complex substitutions not allowed) genome.append_segment(alt) genome.delete_segment(len(ref) - len(alt)) log_file.write(f"Currently: {genome}\n") # Save the genome data. for genome in genomes: log_file.write(f"Appending" f" {len(reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset:])}" f" bases of reference sequence at reference position " f" {genome.position + genome.offset} to complete genome_{} for" f" chromosome {chromosome}.\n") genome.append_segment(reference_sequence[genome.position + genome.offset:]) log_file.write(f"Final Genome for chromosome {chromosome}: {genome}\n") genome.save_to_file()
[docs] @staticmethod def group_data(lines, group_function): """ Returns data grouped by the provided function :param lines: the lines of data to be grouped :param group_function: The function to apply to determine the groupping. :return: a generator providing the next key (the groupping parameter) and the groupped data as a list. """ for key, values in itertools.groupby(lines, key=group_function): yield key, list(values)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_output_valid(validation_attributes): """ Check if output of GenomeBuilderStep for a specific job/execution is correctly formed and valid, given a job's data directory, log directory, and sample id. Prepare these attributes for a given sample's jobs using the get_validation_attributes() method. Parameters ---------- validation_attributes : dict A job's data_directory, log_directory, sample_id, and the list of genome names used by the GenomeBuilderStep to refer to each of the parental genomes (i.e. 1 and 2 for male and female parent, respectively). Returns ------- boolean True - GenomeBuilderStep output files were created and are well formed. False - GenomeBuilderStep output files do not exist or are missing data. """ data_directory = validation_attributes['data_directory'] log_directory = validation_attributes['log_directory'] sample_id = validation_attributes['sample_id'] genome_names = validation_attributes['genome_names'] valid_output = False genome_builder_logfile_path = os.path.join(log_directory, f"sample{sample_id}", CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.GENOMEBUILDER_LOG_FILENAME) if os.path.isfile(genome_builder_logfile_path): #Read last line in genome_builder log file line = "" with open(genome_builder_logfile_path, "r") as genome_builder_log_file: for line in genome_builder_log_file: line = line.rstrip() if line == "ALL DONE!": #Now check all output files were created for each of the custom #parental genomes. There are multiple files per genome. The naming #schemes for these output files are defined in the Genome class #below. custom_genome_output_list = [] for name in genome_names: genome_output_filename = \ os.path.join(data_directory, f"sample{sample_id}", Genome.GENOME_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=name)) indel_output_filename = \ os.path.join(data_directory, f"sample{sample_id}", Genome.INDEL_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format(genome_name=name)) custom_genome_output_list.append(os.path.isfile(genome_output_filename)) custom_genome_output_list.append(os.path.isfile(indel_output_filename)) if all(custom_genome_output_list): valid_output = True return valid_output
[docs] @staticmethod def main(): """ Entry point into script. Allows script to be executed/submitted via the command line. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Make Genome Files') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_directory_path', required=True, help="Path to log directory.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--data_directory_path', required=True, help='Path to data directory') parser.add_argument('-v', '--phased_vcf_file_path', required=True, help="Path to VCF file of phased genotypes for each sample. " "This is generated using Beagle by default.") parser.add_argument('-p', '--chr_ploidy_file_path', required=True, type=str, help="Path to chromosome ploidy file") parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference_genome_file_path', required=True, help="Fasta file containing the reference genome") parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore_indels', action='store_true', help="Use the reference genome base in place of an indel. " "Defaults to false.") parser.add_argument('-j', '--ignore_snps', action='store_true', help="Use the reference genome base in place of a snp. " "Defaults to False.") parser.add_argument('--sample', default=None, help='String representation of a Sample object. Must provide ' 'this argument or the "--sample_id" and "--gender" arguments.') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sample_id', type=int, default=None, help='sample name in vcf when prepended with sample. Overrides id from ' 'the "--sample" argument, if it is provided.') parser.add_argument('-x', '--gender', action='store', choices=['male', 'female'], default=None, help='Gender of input sample (male or female). Overrides gender from ' 'the "--sample" argument, if it is provided.') parser.add_argument('-c', '--chromosomes', type=lambda chrs: [chr_ for chr_ in chrs.split(',')], help="optional, comma-separated chromosome list") args = parser.parse_args() config_parameters = {"ignore_snps": args.ignore_snps, "ignore_indels": args.ignore_indels} genome_builder = GenomeBuilderStep(args.log_directory_path, args.data_directory_path, config_parameters) if args.sample: sample = eval(args.sample) else: #Create dummy sample for debug purposes. sample = Sample(None, "debug sample", None, None, None) #Update sample if sample_id and gender, if specified. if args.sample_id: sample.sample_id = args.sample_id if args.gender: sample.gender = args.gender reference_genome = CampareeUtils.create_genome(args.reference_genome_file_path) chr_ploidy_data = CampareeUtils.create_chr_ploidy_data(args.chr_ploidy_file_path) genome_builder.execute(sample=sample, phased_vcf_file_path=args.phased_vcf_file_path, chr_ploidy_data=chr_ploidy_data, reference_genome=reference_genome, chromosome_list=args.chromosomes)
[docs]class Genome: """ Holds name, chromosome, current seq, current position (0 indexed) and current offset for a nascent, custom genome. The current offset is such that when it is added to the current position, one arrives at the corresponding position (0 indexed) on the reference genome. The object also provides methods for appending, inserting and deleting based upon instructions in the variants input file. """ #Patterns used to name all of the output files generated by the Genome class: #FASTA file containing the custom genome's sequence GENOME_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN = CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.GENOMEBUILDER_SEQUENCE_FILENAME_PATTERN #List of all indel operations performed on the reference, to generate the #custom genome. INDEL_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN = CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.GENOMEBUILDER_INDEL_FILENAME_PATTERN def __init__(self, name, chromosome, start_sequence, start_position, genome_output_directory): = name self.chromosome = chromosome self.sequence = StringIO() self.sequence.write(start_sequence) self.position = start_position self.offset = 0 self.genome_output_filename = \ os.path.join(genome_output_directory, self.GENOME_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format( self.genome_indels_filename = \ os.path.join(genome_output_directory, self.INDEL_OUTPUT_FILENAME_PATTERN.format( self.indels_file = open(self.genome_indels_filename, 'a')
[docs] def append_segment(self, sequence): """ Append the given sequence segment to the custom genome. Since the sequence segment either has a one to one correspondence with that of reference genome or is a sequence segment drawn from the reference genome; execution of this method does not alter the current position of the custom genome relative to the current position of the reference genome/variant. So position advances by the sequence segment length but offset remains unchangeed. :param sequence: sequence segment to append """ self.sequence.write(sequence) self.position += len(sequence)
[docs] def insert_segment(self, sequence): """ Insert the given sequence segment into the custom genome. Since the given sequence segment does not correspond to anything in the reference genome; the current position of the custom genome relative to the current position of the reference genome/variant does change by the length of the sequence segment. Since the custom genome sequence is advancing while the reference sequence is not, the sequence segment length is subtracted from the offset while the genome current position is advanced by the length of the sequence segment. :param sequence: sequence segment to insert """ self.indels_file.write(f"{self.chromosome}:{self.position + self.offset + 1}\tI\t{len(sequence)}\n") self.sequence.write(sequence) self.position += len(sequence) self.offset += -1 * len(sequence)
[docs] def delete_segment(self, length): """ Skip over (delete) a length of the reference sequence. Since the reference sequence is advancing while the custom sequence is not, the relative current position of the genome again changes relative to the current position of the reference sequence. As such, the current genome position does not advance but the offset increases by the length provided. :param length: number of bases in the reference sequence to skip over. """ self.indels_file.write(f"{self.chromosome}:{self.position + self.offset + 1}\tD\t{length}\n") self.offset += length
[docs] def save_to_file(self): """ Saves the custom genome sequence into a single line of a fasta file. The genome name is suffixed to the given output filename steam. Since the genome sequence data is saved one chromosome at a time, the output file is appended to. That means that the output file should be empty when the first chromosome sequence is added. Since the sequence is memory is closed at this time, this genome can no longer be modified. """ str_sequence = self.sequence.getvalue() self.sequence.close() with open(self.genome_output_filename, 'a') as genome_output_file: genome_output_file.write(f">{self.chromosome}\n") genome_output_file.write(str_sequence + "\n") # TODO might be a better place for this - say using a context manager? self.indels_file.close()
def __str__(self): """ Provide a string representation of the Genome object mainly for debugging purposes. :return: string representation of the Genome object """ return f"name: {}, chromosome: {self.chromosome}, position: {self.position}, offset: {self.offset}"
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(GenomeBuilderStep.main()) ''' #The code below was originally here for diagnostic purposes. Command line input #is now processed directly by the main() method, and is used to submit the #GenomeBuilderStep to the system job scheduler (e.g. LSF, SGE). import pandas as pd parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Make Genome Files') parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference_genome_file_path', help="Fasta file containing the reference genome") parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_directory_path', help="Path to log directory.") parser.add_argument('-x', '--gender', action='store', choices=['male', 'female'], help="Gender of input sample (male or female).") parser.add_argument('-c', '--chromosomes', type=lambda chrs: [chr_ for chr_ in chrs.split(',')], help="optional chromosome list") parser.add_argument('-i', '--ignore_indels', action='store_true', help="Use the reference genome base in place of an indel. Defaults to false.") parser.add_argument('-j', '--ignore_snps', action='store_true', help="Use the reference genome base in place of a snp. Defaults to False.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--data_directory_path', help='Path to data directory') parser.add_argument('-s', '--sample_id', type=int, help='sample name in vcf when prepended with sample') parser.add_argument('-p', '--chr_ploidy_file_path', type=str, help="Path to chromosome ploidy file") args = parser.parse_args() print(args) test_parameters = {"ignore_snps": args.ignore_snps, "ignore_indels": args.ignore_indels} test_sample = Sample(args.sample_id, "debug sample", None, None, args.gender) reference_genome_ = CampareeUtils.create_genome(args.reference_genome_file_path) chr_ploidy_data_ = CampareeUtils.create_chr_ploidy_data(args.chr_ploidy_file_path) # Remove old genome data and log files if present sample_data_folder = os.path.join(args.data_directory_path, f'sample{test_sample.sample_id}') for item in os.listdir(sample_data_folder): if item.startswith("custom_genome"): os.remove(os.path.join(sample_data_folder, item)) sample_log_folder = os.path.join(args.log_directory_path, f'sample{test_sample.sample_id}') for item in os.listdir(sample_log_folder): if item.startswith("GenomeBuilderStep"): os.remove(os.path.join(sample_log_folder, item)) genome_builder = GenomeBuilderStep(args.log_directory_path, args.data_directory_path, test_parameters) genome_builder.execute(test_sample, chr_ploidy_data_, reference_genome_, args.chromosomes) results = CampareeUtils.compare_genome_sequence_lengths(args.reference_genome_file_path, os.path.join(sample_data_folder, 'custom_genome_1.fa'), os.path.join(sample_data_folder, 'custom_genome_2.fa'), args.chromosomes or chr_ploidy_data_.keys()) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(results, orient='index', columns=['Reference Genome', 'Genome 1', 'Genome 2']) print(df) ''' ''' Example python \ -c "MT" \ -s 1 \ -d ../../data/pipeline_results_run99/expression_pipeline/data \ -r ../../resources/index_files/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.reference_genome.fa.gz \ -p ../../resources/index_files/GRCh38/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.chr_ploidy.txt \ -l ../../data/pipeline_results_run99/expression_pipeline/logs \ -x female python \ -s 1 \ -d ../../data/_run600/expression_pipeline/data \ -r ../resources/index_files/baby_genome.mm10/baby_genome.mm10.oneline_seqs.fa \ -p ../resources/index_files/baby_genome.mm10/baby_genome.mm10.chr_ploidy.txt \ -l ../../data/_run600/expression_pipeline/logs \ -x male '''