Source code for camparee.camparee_controller

import json
import time
import yaml
import numpy as np
import termcolor
import os
import sys
import traceback
import string
from datetime import datetime
from camparee.camparee_constants import CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS,CAMPAREE_VERSION
from beers_utils.constants import CONSTANTS,SUPPORTED_SCHEDULER_MODES
from beers_utils.general_utils import GeneralUtils
from camparee.expression_pipeline import ExpressionPipeline,CampareeValidationException
from beers_utils.sample import Sample

[docs]class CampareeController: """ The object essentially controls the flow of the pipeline. The command instantiates a controller and calls one of the controller methods depending upon the pipeline-stage requested. The other methods in the class are helper methods. """ def __init__(self): """ These attributes have no value at the time of instantiation. They are populated by the helper methods. """ self.controller_name = 'camparee_controller' self.resources_name = 'resources' self.controller_log_filename = 'camparee_controller.log' self.allowed_directory_name_set = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_") # The following attributes are defined following instantiation self.debug = False self.run_id = None self.configuration = None self.resources = None self.seed = None self.output_directory_path = None self.input_samples = []
[docs] def run_camparee_pipeline(self, args): """ This is how calls the camparee pipeline. This method reads the command line arguments, parses the config file, and calls the necessary methods to run camparee. :param args: command line arguments """ stage_name = CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.CAMPAREE_OUTPUT_DIR_NAME self.perform_setup(args, [self.controller_name, stage_name]) if not self.validate_samples(): raise CampareeValidationException("Sample data is not valid. Please consult the standard error file" "for details.") #TODO: Once a scheduler is more integrated with the epxpression pipeline, #we may want to move this check elsewhere. scheduler_mode = "" if not args.scheduler_mode: if not self.configuration['setup'].get('scheduler_mode', None): raise CampareeValidationException('No scheduler_mode given either on the command line' ' or in the configuration file') scheduler_mode = self.configuration['setup']['scheduler_mode'] else: scheduler_mode = args.scheduler_mode if scheduler_mode not in SUPPORTED_SCHEDULER_MODES: raise CampareeValidationException(f'{scheduler_mode} is not a supported mode.\n' f'Please select one of {",".join(SUPPORTED_SCHEDULER_MODES)}.\n') self.assemble_input_samples() ExpressionPipeline.main(self.configuration, scheduler_mode, os.path.join(self.output_directory_path,stage_name), self.input_samples)
[docs] def perform_setup(self, args, stage_names): """ This helper method sets up a number of attributes and behaviors in the controller. Stacktraces are suppressed and only user friendly errors are shown when the debugger is off (just a command line arg right now). The full configuration file data and run id are salted away and the random seed is set. The initial output folder structure (excluding the subdirectory structure needed to accommodate large numbers of file) is created. The output folder structure depends on the stage names. Also, the controller log is started. :param args: The command line arguments :param stage_names: The stage names """ self.debug = args.debug def exception_handler(exception_type, exception, tb): if args.debug: traceback.print_exception(exception_type, exception, tb) else: termcolor.cprint(f"ERROR: {exception}", 'red', file=sys.stderr) sys.excepthook = exception_handler self.retrieve_configuration(args.config) self.set_run_id(args.run_id) self.plant_seed(args.seed) self.create_output_folder_structure(stage_names) self.create_controller_log()
[docs] def retrieve_configuration(self, configuration_file_path): """ Helper method to parse the configuration file given by the path info a dictionary attached to the controller object. For convenience, the portion of the configuration file that contains parametric data specific to the controller is set to a separate dictionary also attached to the controller. :param configuration_file_path: The absolute file path of the configuration file """ with open(configuration_file_path, 'r+') as configuration_file: try: self.configuration = yaml.load(configuration_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) except yaml.YAMLError as ye: raise CampareeValidationException(ye) self.resources = self.configuration['resources']
[docs] def set_run_id(self, run_id): """ Helper method to add the run id to the controller for later use. The run id, if any, on the command line takes precedence. If no run id is present on the command line, the controller configuration data is searched for it. If no run id is found in either place, an error is raised. :param run_id: The run id found on the command line, if any. """ self.run_id = run_id if not self.run_id: if 'run_id' not in self.configuration['setup'] or not self.configuration['setup']['run_id']: raise CampareeValidationException('No run id was given either on the command line ' 'or in the configuration file') # If numeric given as run ID in the config file, need to cast to string # for the next command to work. self.run_id = str(self.configuration['setup']['run_id']) if not set(self.run_id).issubset(self.allowed_directory_name_set): raise CampareeValidationException(f'The run id {self.run_id} contains disallowed characters.')
[docs] def plant_seed(self, seed): """ Helper method to add the seed to the controller for later use. The seed, if any, on the command line, takes precedence. If no seed is present on the command line, the controller configuration data is searched for it. If no seed is found there, one will be randomly generated. The seed will be added to the controller log file created for this run so that the user may re-create the run exactly at a later date, assuming all else remains the same. :param seed: The seed value found on the command line, if any. """ self.seed = seed if not self.seed: # If seed is not a config key or the seed is null, generate a seed internally if 'seed' not in self.configuration['setup'] or not self.configuration['setup']['seed']: self.seed = GeneralUtils.generate_seed() else: # Insure the config seed is an integer, otherwise throw an exception if not isinstance(self.configuration['setup']['seed'], int): raise CampareeValidationException('The seed specified in the configuration file must be an integer') self.seed = self.configuration['setup']['seed'] np.random.seed(self.seed)
[docs] def create_output_folder_structure(self, stage_names): """ Use the provided stage names, the run id and the top level output directory path from the configuration data to create the top level directory of a preliminary directory structure. The attempt fails if either the top level output directory exists but either is not a directory or is a non-empty directory or if the user has insufficient permissions to create the directory. Created in the level directly below the top level output directory, are folders named after the stage names provided (i.e., controller, library_prep_pipeline, sequence_pipeline) and beneath each of these are data and log folders. Additional subdirectories are created later to organize the numerous files exprected and avoid congestion. :param stage_names: names of folders directly below the top level output directory (e.g., controller, library_prep) """ self.output_directory_path = os.path.join(self.configuration['output']['directory_path'],f"run_{self.run_id}") if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory_path): try: os.makedirs(self.output_directory_path, mode=0o0755, exist_ok=True) except PermissionError: raise CampareeValidationException(f"Insufficient permissions to create {self.output_directory_path}") else: if not os.path.isdir(self.output_directory_path): raise CampareeValidationException(f"The output directory path, {self.output_directory_path}," f" is not a directory.") if os.listdir(self.output_directory_path): raise CampareeValidationException(f"The output directory path, {self.output_directory_path}," f" must be empty.") for stage_name in stage_names: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, stage_name, CONSTANTS.LOG_DIRECTORY_NAME), mode=0o0755, exist_ok=True) os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, stage_name, CONSTANTS.DATA_DIRECTORY_NAME), mode=0o0755, exist_ok=True)
[docs] def create_controller_log(self): """ Generates a controller log containing the timestamp, seed, run id and current configuration data so that the user can replicate this run at a later date. """ log_file_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory_path, self.controller_name, CONSTANTS.LOG_DIRECTORY_NAME, self.controller_log_filename) with open(log_file_path, 'w') as controller_log_file: timestamp = time.time() current_datetime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') controller_log_file.write(f"CAMPAREE version {CAMPAREE_VERSION}\n") controller_log_file.write(f"Run Id:\t{self.run_id}\n") controller_log_file.write(f"Run Timestamp (UTC):\t{current_datetime}\n") controller_log_file.write(f"Seed:\t{self.seed}\n") controller_log_file.write(f"Configuration:\n") json.dump(self.configuration, controller_log_file, indent=2)
[docs] def validate_samples(self): """ Iterates over the starting samples and verifies that their files can be found and that the gender designations, if any, are appropriate. :return: True is valid and false otherwise. """ valid = True if "input" not in self.configuration: print("The top level mapping 'input' must be present in the configuration file.", file=sys.stderr) return False # The FASTQ directory is required if "fastq_directory_path" not in self.configuration['input']: print("The mapping 'fastq_directory_path' under 'input' must be present in the configuration file", file=sys.stderr) return False fastq_input_directory_path = self.configuration["input"]["fastq_directory_path"] # BAM directory path and BAM files are optional bam_directory_path = None if self.configuration["input"]["optional_inputs"] is not None: bam_directory_path = self.configuration["input"]["optional_inputs"].get("bam_directory_path", None) # Samples must be housed under the data mapping if "data" not in self.configuration["input"]: print("The mapping 'data' under 'input' must be present in the configuration file", file=sys.stderr) return False # Iterate over the input samples for input_sample in self.configuration["input"]["data"].values(): # Validate sample FASTQ files if "fastq_files" not in input_sample: print("The mapping 'fastq_files' under each input sample must be present in the configuration file", file=sys.stderr) valid = False else: for filename in input_sample["fastq_files"]: if not CampareeController.check_file_existence(fastq_input_directory_path, filename): valid = False # Validate sample BAM file if present if "bam_file" in input_sample: if not CampareeController.check_file_existence(bam_directory_path, input_sample['bam_file']): valid = False # Validate sample gender gender = input_sample.get("gender", None) if gender: gender = gender.lower() if gender not in [CONSTANTS.MALE_GENDER, CONSTANTS.FEMALE_GENDER]: print(f"The gender, {gender}, for input sample {input_sample['filename']} must be either" f" {CONSTANTS.MALE_GENDER}, {CONSTANTS.FEMALE_GENDER} or not present.", file=sys.stderr) valid = False else: print(f"The input sample, {input_sample['filenames']} has no gender specified. Consequently, no" f" gender specific chromosomes will be processed for this sample.") # Validate whether sample is pooled. This is required. if "pooled" not in input_sample: print("The mapping 'pooled' under each input sample must be present in the configuration file", file=sys.stderr) valid = False else: if not isinstance(input_sample['pooled'], bool): print(f"The value for the mapping 'pooled' must be either true or false - not " f"{input_sample['pooled']}", file=sys.stderr) valid = False # Validate the molecule count for this sample if present if input_sample['molecule_count'] and \ not isinstance(input_sample['molecule_count'], int) and \ input_sample['molecule_count'] < 0: print(f"The value for the mapping 'molecule_count' must be a positive " f"integer - not {input_sample['molecule_count']}", file=sys.stderr) return valid
[docs] @staticmethod def check_file_existence(directory_path, filename): """ Helper method to establish whether provided directory path and filename combine to point to an existing file :param directory_path: path to directory holding file :param filename: name of file :return: True if the path is valid and False otherwise """ if not directory_path: print(f"No directory path was provided for {filename}.", file=sys.stderr) return False file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, filename) if not os.path.exists(file_path) or not os.path.isfile(file_path): print(f"The file path, {file_path}, does not exist as a file location.", file=sys.stderr) return False return True
[docs] def assemble_input_samples(self): """ Creates a list of sample objects, attached to the controller, that represent those samples that are to be run in the expression pipeline. If not running from the expression pipeline, this method is not used since the sample data is already contained in each packet. For each sample, a unique combination of adapter sequences are provided. The sample name is assumed to be that of the input filename without the extension. Gender may or may not be provided in the configuration data. If not set, the gender will be inferred by the expression pipeline. """ fastq_directory_path = self.configuration["input"]["fastq_directory_path"] # BAM directory path and BAM files are optional bam_directory_path = None if self.configuration["input"]["optional_inputs"] is not None: bam_directory_path = self.configuration["input"]["optional_inputs"].get("bam_directory_path", None) self.input_samples = [] # TODO handle the situation where the adapter kit is not specified or not found # The kit is really only needed for library prep. So if the expression pipeline does not generate # molecule packets, we could postpone this step until when that assembly occurs. But we don't want to # make the addition to thousands of molecule packets after the fact. for sample_name, input_sample in self.configuration["input"]["data"].items(): #sample_name = os.path.splitext(input_sample["filenames"][0])[0] fastq_file_paths = [os.path.join(fastq_directory_path, filename) for filename in input_sample["fastq_files"]] bam_file_path = '' if input_sample["optional_inputs"] is not None and "bam_file" in input_sample["optional_inputs"]: bam_file_path = os.path.join(bam_directory_path, input_sample["optional_inputs"]["bam_file"]) gender = input_sample.get("gender", None) pooled = input_sample["pooled"] molecule_count = input_sample.get("molecule_count", None) if gender: gender = gender.lower() self.input_samples.append( Sample(sample_id=Sample.next_sample_id, sample_name=sample_name, fastq_file_paths=fastq_file_paths, adapter_sequences="", bam_file_path=bam_file_path, gender=gender, pooled=pooled, molecule_count=molecule_count)) Sample.next_sample_id += 1