Source code for camparee.allelic_imbalance_quant

import argparse
import re
import sys
import os
import collections

from pysam import AlignmentFile

from camparee.abstract_camparee_step import AbstractCampareeStep
from camparee.camparee_constants import CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS

# TODO: Go back through and optimize this code to use fewer class variables
#       (could pass necessary info as arguments to helper functions).

[docs]class AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep(AbstractCampareeStep): """This class contains scripts to output quantification of allelic imbalance. It requires (i) an input file source for gene info (ii) Root of the aligned filenames (alignment to transcriptome of each parent with suffixes '_1','_2'.) There is one output file with quantification information on the allelic imbalance of genes. Fields in this file: chromosome, strand, start, end, exon count, exon starts, exon ends, gene name. """ OUTPUT_ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_FILE_NAME = CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME def __init__(self, log_directory_path, data_directory_path, parameters=None): """Constructor for AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep object. Parameters ---------- data_directory_path: string Full path to data directory log_directory_path : string Full path to log directory. parameters : dict Dictionary of other parameters specified by the config file. This parameter is not used by this class and is retained for uniformity with all other CAMPAREE steps. """ self.data_directory_path = data_directory_path self.log_directory_path = log_directory_path
[docs] def validate(self): return True
[docs] def create_transcript_gene_map(self): """ Create dictionary to map transcript id to gene id using geneinfo file Map '*' to '*' to account for unmapped reads in align_file Create entries with suffix '_1' and '_2' for each transcript """ self.transcript_gene_map['*'] = '*' with open(self.geneinfo_filename_1, 'r') as geneinfo_file: next(geneinfo_file) for line in geneinfo_file: fields = line.strip('\n').split('\t') self.transcript_gene_map[fields[7]] = fields[8]
def reads_to_ignore(self): reads_to_ignore = [] bamfile = AlignmentFile(self.genome_alignment_file, "rb") num_hits_pattern = re.compile('(NH:i:)(\d+)') for read in bamfile.fetch(until_eof=True): num_hits = dict(read.tags)['NH'] if num_hits > 1: reads_to_ignore.append(read.query_name) return reads_to_ignore
[docs] def read_info(self, in_align_filename): """ Create dictionary which maps a read id in SAM file to a dictionary with two keys 'transcript_id' and 'NM'. The value associated with 'transcript_id' is a list of all transcripts the read aligned to. The value associated with 'NM' is the corresponding edit distance information for each alignment. For non-mappers the transcript_id is '*' and edit distance is 100 (Make it read length). """ read_info_map = collections.defaultdict(dict) # The NM tag in the SAM file tells us the edit distance for the alignment. # This pattern extracts that number. num_mismatches_pattern = re.compile('(NM:i:)(\d+)') with open(in_align_filename, 'r') as infile: for line in infile: if line.startswith('@'): continue # read forward and reverse read forward = line reverse = next(infile) # Parse the fields for the forward read into an array fwd_fields = forward.rstrip('\n').split('\t') # Parse the fields for the reverse read into an array rev_fields = reverse.rstrip('\n').split('\t') fwd_transcript_id = fwd_fields[2].split(':')[0] rev_transcript_id = rev_fields[2].split(':')[0] # This means both forward and reverse reads are non-mappers # So store 'transcript_id' as '*' and 'NM' as 2*read_length if fwd_transcript_id == '*' and rev_transcript_id == '*': read_info_map[fwd_fields[0]]['transcript_id'] = '*' read_info_map[fwd_fields[0]]['NM'] = 200 continue # Get transcript_id for mapped reads elif fwd_transcript_id == rev_transcript_id: transcript_id = fwd_transcript_id else: transcript_id = (fwd_transcript_id + rev_transcript_id).replace('*','') # This probably means the transcript was not in our master list of all transcript models # (the geneinfo filename). So we skip it. Really this should not happen # but just in case. if not self.transcript_gene_map.get(transcript_id): continue # Obtain the edit distance information for the forward read fwd_NM_match =, forward) rev_NM_match =, reverse) if fwd_NM_match and rev_NM_match: fwd_NM_count = int( rev_NM_count = int( NM_count = fwd_NM_count + rev_NM_count elif not (fwd_NM_match and rev_NM_match): NM_count = 200 else: NM_count = 100 # Update read_info dictionary with transcript_id and corresponding edit distance read_info_map[fwd_fields[0]]['transcript_id'] = transcript_id read_info_map[fwd_fields[0]]['NM'] = NM_count return read_info_map
[docs] def execute(self, sample_id, genome_alignment_file_path, parent1_annot_file_path, parent2_annot_file_path, parent1_tx_align_file_path, parent2_tx_align_file_path): """This is the main method which quantifies allelic imbalance for all genes in the annotation based on the aligned files for parents 1 and 2. Parameters ---------- sample_id : string Identifier for sample corresponding to the input genome and transcriptome alignment files. Used to construct output and log paths for this specific execution. genome_alignment_file_path : string Input BAM file of reads aligned to the original reference genome. This is used to identify multimappers so they are excluded from the allelic imbalance quantification. This is generally prepared by GenomeAlignmentStep, or provided by the user. parent1_annot_file_path : string Input transcript annotation file for parent 1. This is generally prepared by UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep. parent2_annot_file_path : string Input transcript annotation file for parent 2. This is generally prepared by UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep. parent1_tx_align_file_path : string Input SAM file of reads aligned to the variant genome from parent 1. This is generally prepared by Bowtie2AlignStep. parent2_tx_align_file_path : string Input SAM file of reads aligned to the variant genome from parent 2. This is generally prepared by Bowtie2AlignStep. """ self.genome_alignment_file = genome_alignment_file_path self.geneinfo_filename_1 = parent1_annot_file_path self.geneinfo_filename_2 = parent2_annot_file_path self.align_filename_1 = parent1_tx_align_file_path self.align_filename_2 = parent2_tx_align_file_path log_file_path = os.path.join(self.log_directory_path, f'sample{sample_id}', CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_LOG_FILENAME) # Create allelic imbalance distribution file and ensure that it doesn't # currently exist. self.allele_imbalance_dist_filename = os.path.join(self.data_directory_path, f'sample{sample_id}', AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep.OUTPUT_ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_FILE_NAME) try: os.remove(self.allele_imbalance_dist_filename) except OSError: pass # Dictionaries to map transcripts to genes and keep track of final count of reads mapped to a gene # This procedure does not map all gene info keys used. Consequently we need to insure that # assignments using new keys are initialized to 0 self.transcript_gene_map = collections.defaultdict(str) self.gene_final_count = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(int)) self.exclusive_genes = [] with open(log_file_path, "w") as log_file: print(f"Quantify allelic imbalance for reads from sample{sample_id}.") log_file.write(f"Quantify allelic imbalance for reads from sample{sample_id}.\n") log_file.write(f"Parameters:\n" f" Reference genome align path: {self.genome_alignment_file}\n" f" Parent 1 annotation path: {self.geneinfo_filename_1}\n" f" Parent 2 annotation path: {self.geneinfo_filename_2}\n" f" Parent 1 transcriptome align path: {self.align_filename_1}\n" f" Parent 2 transcriptome align path: {self.align_filename_2}\n") print("Mapping transcript IDs to gene IDs from Parent 1 annotation file.") log_file.write("Mapping transcript IDs to gene IDs from Parent 1 annotation file.\n") self.create_transcript_gene_map() # Create read info dictionaries for each parent print("Extracting read-transcript mappings for parent 1 from" " transcriptome alignment file.") log_file.write("Extracting read-transcript mappings for parent 1" " from transcriptome alignment file.") read_info_1 = self.read_info(self.align_filename_1) print("Extracting read-transcript mappings for parent 2 from" " transcriptome alignment file.") log_file.write("Extracting read-transcript mappings for parent 2" " from transcriptome alignment file.") read_info_2 = self.read_info(self.align_filename_2) print("Identifying multimappers from genome alignments.") log_file.write("Identifying multimappers from genome alignments.\n") reads_to_ignore = self.reads_to_ignore() print("Excluding multimappers from further use.") log_file.write("Excluding multimappers from further use.\n") read_ids_1 = set(read_info_1.keys()).difference(reads_to_ignore) read_ids_2 = set(read_info_2.keys()).difference(reads_to_ignore) read_ids = read_ids_1.intersection(read_ids_2) read_ids_1_u = read_ids_1.difference(read_ids) read_ids_2_u = read_ids_2.difference(read_ids) print("Quantifying reads aligned only to parental genome 1.") log_file.write("Quantifying reads aligned only to parental genome 1.\n") for read in read_ids_1_u: transcript = read_info_1[read]['transcript_id'] gene = self.transcript_gene_map[transcript] self.gene_final_count[gene]['1'] += 1 print("Quantifying reads aligned only to parental genome 2.") log_file.write("Quantifying reads aligned only to parental genome 2.\n") for read in read_ids_2_u: transcript = read_info_2[read]['transcript_id'] gene = self.transcript_gene_map[transcript] self.gene_final_count[gene]['2'] += 1 print("Quantifying reads aligned to both parental genomes.") log_file.write("Quantifying reads aligned to both parental genomes.\n") for read in read_ids: # Transcripts to which the read mapped for each parent transcript_1 = read_info_1[read]['transcript_id'] transcript_2 = read_info_2[read]['transcript_id'] # The read did not map to any transcript in either parent if transcript_1 == '*' and transcript_2 == '*': continue # The read mapped to atleast one transcript in each parent elif transcript_1 != '*' and transcript_2 != '*': # Get the genes in parent 1 to which the read mapped gene_1 = self.transcript_gene_map[transcript_1] NM_count_1 = read_info_1[read]['NM'] # Get the genes in parent 2 to which the read mapped gene_2 = self.transcript_gene_map[transcript_2] NM_count_2 = read_info_2[read]['NM'] # Amongst the genes to which the read mapped, # there is exactly one gene in common between parent 1 and 2. if gene_1 == gene_2: # Minimum edit distance for the mapping to the gene is the same in # parent 1 and parent 2. So increment counts of both alleles of the genes by 0.5 if NM_count_1 == NM_count_2: self.gene_final_count[gene_1]['1'] += 0.5 self.gene_final_count[gene_1]['2'] += 0.5 # Minimum edit distance for the mapping to the gene is less in parent 1. # So increment count of allele of gene corresponding to parent 1. elif NM_count_1 < NM_count_2: self.gene_final_count[gene_1]['1'] += 1 # Minimum edit distance for the mapping to the gene is less in parent 2. # So increment count of allele of gene corresponding to parent 2. else: self.gene_final_count[gene_1]['2'] += 1 # The read is a non-mapper for the parent 1 transcriptome elif transcript_1 == '*': # Get the genes in parent 2 to which the read mapped gene_2 = self.transcript_gene_map[transcript_2] self.gene_final_count[gene_2]['2'] += 1 # The read is a non-mapper for the parent 2 transcriptome elif transcript_2 == '*': gene_1 = self.transcript_gene_map[transcript_1] self.gene_final_count[gene_1]['1'] += 1 print("Writing file of allelic imbalance quantification results.") log_file.write("Writing file of allelic imbalance quantification results.\n") self.make_allele_imbalance_dist_file() log_file.write("\nALL DONE!\n")
def make_allele_imbalance_dist_file(self): genelist_1 = [] with open(self.geneinfo_filename_1, 'r') as geneinfo_file_1: for line in geneinfo_file_1: if line.startswith('#'): continue fields = line.strip('\n').split('\t') genelist_1.append(fields[8]) genelist_2 = [] with open(self.geneinfo_filename_2, 'r') as geneinfo_file_2: for line in geneinfo_file_2: if line.startswith('#'): continue fields = line.strip('\n').split('\t') genelist_2.append(fields[8]) exclusive_genes = list(set(genelist_1).difference(set(genelist_2))) # Write the allelic imbalance quantification information to allele imbalance dist filename with open(self.allele_imbalance_dist_filename, 'w') as allele_imbalance_dist_file: allele_imbalance_dist_file.write('#gene_id' + '\t' + '_1' + '\t' + '_2' + '\n') #for key, value in list(self.gene_final_count.items()): for gene_id in sorted(set(self.transcript_gene_map.values())): if gene_id in exclusive_genes: allele_imbalance_dist_file.write(str(gene_id) + '\t' + str(1.0) + '\t' + str(0.0) + '\n') continue if gene_id == "*": continue read_count_1 = self.gene_final_count[gene_id]['1'] read_count_2 = self.gene_final_count[gene_id]['2'] gene_read_count = read_count_1 + read_count_2 if gene_read_count == 0: allele_imbalance_dist_file.write(str(gene_id) + '\t' + str(0.5) + '\t' + str(0.5) + '\n') else: allele_imbalance_dist_file.write(str(gene_id) + '\t' + str(read_count_1/gene_read_count) + '\t' +\ str(read_count_2/gene_read_count) + '\n')
[docs] def get_commandline_call(self, sample_id, genome_alignment_file_path, parent1_annot_file_path, parent2_annot_file_path, parent1_tx_align_file_path, parent2_tx_align_file_path): """Prepare command to execute the AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep from the command line, given all of the arugments used to run the execute() function. Parameters ---------- sample_id : string Identifier for sample corresponding to the input genome and transcriptome alignment files. Used to construct output and log paths for this specific execution. genome_alignment_file_path : string Input BAM file of reads aligned to the original reference genome. This is used to identify multimappers so they are excluded from the allelic imbalance quantification. This is generally prepared by GenomeAlignmentStep, or provided by the user. parent1_annot_file_path : string Input transcript annotation file for parent 1. This is generally prepared by UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep. parent2_annot_file_path : string Input transcript annotation file for parent 2. This is generally prepared by UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep. parent1_tx_align_file_path : string Input SAM file of reads aligned to the variant genome from parent 1. This is generally prepared by Bowtie2AlignStep. parent2_tx_align_file_path : string Input SAM file of reads aligned to the variant genome from parent 2. This is generally prepared by Bowtie2AlignStep. Returns ------- string Command to execute on the command line. It will perform the same operations as a call to execute() with the same parameters. """ #Retrieve path to the script. allelic_imbalance_step_path = os.path.realpath(__file__) #If the above command returns a string with a "pyc" extension, instead #of "py", strip off "c" so it points to this script. allelic_imbalance_step_path = allelic_imbalance_step_path.rstrip('c') command = (f" python {allelic_imbalance_step_path}" f" --log_directory_path {self.log_directory_path}" f" --data_directory_path {self.data_directory_path}" f" --sample_id {sample_id}" f" --genome_alignment_path {genome_alignment_file_path}" f" --parent1_annot_path {parent1_annot_file_path}" f" --parent2_annot_path {parent2_annot_file_path}" f" --parent1_tx_align_path {parent1_tx_align_file_path}" f" --parent2_tx_align_path {parent2_tx_align_file_path}") return command
[docs] def get_validation_attributes(self, sample_id, genome_alignment_file_path, parent1_annot_file_path, parent2_annot_file_path, parent1_tx_align_file_path, parent2_tx_align_file_path): """Prepare attributes required by is_output_valid() function to validate output generated by the AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep job. Parameters ---------- sample_id : string Identifier for sample corresponding to the input genome and transcriptome alignment files. Used to construct output and log paths for this specific execution. genome_alignment_file_path : string Input BAM file of reads aligned to the original reference genome. This is used to identify multimappers so they are excluded from the allelic imbalance quantification. This is generally prepared by GenomeAlignmentStep, or provided by the user. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] parent1_annot_file_path : string Input transcript annotation file for parent 1. This is generally prepared by UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] parent2_annot_file_path : string Input transcript annotation file for parent 2. This is generally prepared by UpdateAnnotationForGenomeStep. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] parent1_tx_align_file_path : string Input SAM file of reads aligned to the variant genome from parent 1. This is generally prepared by Bowtie2AlignStep. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] parent2_tx_align_file_path : string Input SAM file of reads aligned to the variant genome from parent 2. This is generally prepared by Bowtie2AlignStep. [Note: this parameter is captured just so get_validation_attributes() accepts the same arguments as get_commandline_call(). It is not used here.] Returns ------- dict A AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep job's data_directory, log_directory, and corresponding sample ID. """ validation_attributes = {} validation_attributes['data_directory'] = self.data_directory_path validation_attributes['log_directory'] = self.log_directory_path validation_attributes['sample_id'] = sample_id return validation_attributes
[docs] @staticmethod def is_output_valid(validation_attributes): """Check if output of AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep for a specific job/execution is correctly formed and valid, given a job's data directory, log directory, and sample ID. Prepare these attributes for a given job using the get_validation_attributes() method. Parameters ---------- validation_attributes : dict A job's data_directory, log_directory, and corresponding sample_id. Returns ------- boolean True - AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep output files were created and are well formed. False - AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep output files do not exist or are missing data. """ data_directory_path = validation_attributes['data_directory'] log_directory_path = validation_attributes['log_directory'] sample_id = validation_attributes['sample_id'] valid_output = False # Construct output filenames/paths allele_imbalance_dist_filename = os.path.join(data_directory_path, f'sample{sample_id}', AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep.OUTPUT_ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_FILE_NAME) log_file_path = os.path.join(log_directory_path, f'sample{sample_id}', CAMPAREE_CONSTANTS.ALLELIC_IMBALANCE_LOG_FILENAME) # TODO: Report reason why out validation failed. if os.path.isfile(allele_imbalance_dist_filename) and \ os.path.isfile(log_file_path): #Read last line in log file line = "" with open(log_file_path, "r") as log_file: for line in log_file: line = line.rstrip() if line == "ALL DONE!": valid_output = True return valid_output
[docs] @staticmethod def main(): """Entry point into script. Parses the argument list to obtain all the files needed and feeds them to the class constructor. Calls the appropriate methods thereafter. """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate allelic imbalance quantifications') parser.add_argument('-l', '--log_directory_path', required=True, help="Path to log directory.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--data_directory_path', required=True, help='Path to data directory') parser.add_argument('--sample_id', required=True, help='Sample ID associated with input data.') parser.add_argument('--genome_alignment_path', required=True, help='BAM file of reads aligned to reference.') parser.add_argument('--parent1_annot_path', required=True, help='Annotation file from genome for parent 1.') parser.add_argument('--parent2_annot_path', required=True, help='Annotation file from genome for parent 2.') parser.add_argument('--parent1_tx_align_path', required=True, help='SAM file of reads aligned to parent 1 transcriptome.') parser.add_argument('--parent2_tx_align_path', required=True, help='SAM file of reads aligned to parent 2 transcriptome.') args = parser.parse_args() transcript_gene_quant = AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep(log_directory_path=args.log_directory_path, data_directory_path=args.data_directory_path) transcript_gene_quant.execute(sample_id=args.sample_id, genome_alignment_file_path=args.genome_alignment_path, parent1_annot_file_path=args.parent1_annot_path, parent2_annot_file_path=args.parent2_annot_path, parent1_tx_align_file_path=args.parent1_tx_align_path, parent2_tx_align_file_path=args.parent2_tx_align_path)
if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(AllelicImbalanceQuantificationStep.main())