Resource Files ============== Overview -------- In order to simulate a realistic transcriptome, CAMPAREE requires information about an organism's genome sequence, transcript structures, and karyotype. CAMPAREE reads this information from several user-provided "resource files." By default, these files are stored in the ``resources/`` subdirectory of the CAMPAREE installation directory, though this can be changed in the CAMPAREE config file. A collection of resource files is derived from a specific build of an organism's genome and corresponding transcript annotation. We have prepared collections of :ref:`pre-built resource files ` for several commonly-sequenced organisms, available for download and use with CAMPAREE. Additionally, CAMPAREE comes bundled with utilities to :ref:`generate custom resource files ` for users who want to simulated data from organisms/genome builds not available as pre-built resource files. File Descriptions ----------------- For organizational purposes, all CAMPAREE resource files should be associated with a specific species/model identifier, that ideally includes the organism name, as well as the genome and annotation builds and versions. For example, the pre-built resource files for *MusMusculus_GRCm38_Ensemblv99* were generated from the GRCm38 build of the mouse genome sequence and corresponding transcript models from version 99 of Ensembl. Here are specifics on the formatting for each of the different resource files. .. _resource-genome: Reference Genome Sequence File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The reference genome sequence is stored as plain-text in FASTA format. Each entry in the file corresponds to a single chromosome or contig. The sequence for each chromosome/contig is stored on a single line. The header line (starting with a ">" character) for each entry contains the chromosome/contig identifier and must match the chromosome/contig identifiers used in both the :ref:`annotation ` and :ref:`chromosome ploidy files `. CAMPAREE can process this file if it is uncompressed or if it is gzipped. Gzipped files must end with the ".gz" extension to be processed correctly. .. _resource-annotation: Transcript Annotation File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Gene/transcript models are stored as plain-text in a CAMPAREE-specific, tab-delimited format, derived from the UCSC BED format. The annotation file contains eleven columns: 1. chromosome/contig identifier match identifiers used in :ref:`sequence ` and :ref:`ploidy ` files. 2. strand Genomic strand from which the transcript is transcribed. Either "+" or "-". 3. txStart Start coordinate of transcript. 1-based integer identifying the position of the transcript's first nucleotide in the chromosome/contig sequence stored in the genome sequence file. 4. txEnd End coordinate of transcript. 1-based integer identifying the position of the transcript's last nucleotide in the chromosome/contig sequence. 5. exonCount Number of exons in the transcript. 6. exonStarts Comma-delimited list of start coordinates for each exon in the transcript. Each coordinate is a 1-based integer identifying the position an exon's first nucleotide in the chromosome/contig sequence. 7. exonEnds Comma-delimited list of end coordinates for each exon in the transcript. Each coordinate is a 1-based integer identifying the position an exon's last nucleotide in the chromosome/contig sequence. 8. transcript_id Identifier for the current transcript. This must be unique across all entries in the annotation file. An example would be an Ensembl transcript id: ENST00000389707. 9. gene_id Identifier for the gene corresponding to the current transcript. Multiple transcript's can correspond to the same gene (e.g. alternative splicing), so gene identifiers do not need to be unique. An example would be an Ensembl gene id: ENSG00000133794. 10. genesymbol Common gene symbol for the current transcript, or 'None'. This is used to facilitate downstream interpretation and use of the data, as the gene symbols are more commonly known than transcript / gene ids. The values in this column are not used as part of any processing performed by CAMPAREE. 11. biotype Biotype / functional classification for current gene, or 'None'. This is not currently used by CAMPAREE. .. _resource-ploidy: Chromosome Ploidy File ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The chromosome ploidy file is a tab-delimited text file defining the number of copies of each chromosomes present in each gender of the simulated organism's species. Since CAMPAREE simulates transcripts arising from a *diploid* genome, it needs the organization and number of chromosomes in each gender of the simulated organisms. While most chromosomes will have two copies, regardless of gender, the sex and mitochondrial chromosomes often deviate from this pattern in a species-dependent fashion. The chromosome/contig identifiers in this file must match those used in the :ref:`genome sequence ` and :ref:`annotation ` files. However, any chromosome/contig identifiers omitted from the ploidy file will not be used by CAMPAREE (i.e. no transcripts will be simulated from omitted chromosome/contigs). This allows users broad control over which chromosomes/contigs CAMPAREE uses. For example, all of the :ref:`pre-built resource files ` use ploidy files that limit CAMPAREE to the standard chromosomes (numbered/lettered, sex, and mitochondrial). For examples, please refer to the ploidy file for the baby genome, packaged in the ``resources/baby_genome.mm10/`` subdirectory of the CAMPAREE install directory, or to one of the ploidy files packaged with the pre-built resource files. STAR Genome Index ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. _resource-pre-built: Pre-Built Resource Files ------------------------ We have prepared resource files for the genomes of several commonly studied organisms. The STAR Genome Indexes occupy substantially more disk space than the other files, so we packaged them separately. The resource files are also packaged with a README file, which contains all genome/annotation version information a user would need to provide when reporting CAMPAREE results in a publication. This includes md5sums for each resource file, the command used to build the resource files, the command use to build the STAR Genome Index, and the sources/ URLs and versions for the reference genome and gene models used to build the resource files. Effectively, the README file contains all information a user would need to report with a publication or to rebuild the resource files from scratch. To use the pre-built resource files, download and unpackage them in the ``resources/`` subdirectory of the CAMPAREE installation directory, and then update the *resources* section of the config file to point to each of the resource files. Here are example commands for download and installing resource files for the mouse genome with Ensembl gene models: .. code-block:: none # Navigate to CAMPAREE resources directory cd /path/to/CAMPAREE/resources # Download files wget ./ wget ./ # Unpack resource files and STAR index tar -xvzf MusMusculus_GRCm38_Ensemblv99__Resource_files.tar.gz tar -xvzf MusMusculus_GRCm38_Ensemblv99__STAR_index.tar.gz .. _resource-built-urls: Download Links for Pre-Built Resource Files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MusMusculus_GRCm38_Ensemblv99 (Built 2020-03-30) - `Resource files `_ - md5sum: fb741d11ed12d83db8962e210b2955ca - `STAR index `_ - md5sum: cfb7e3459980c9eb340e8106af00638e HomoSapiens_GRCh38_Ensemblv99 (Built 2020-03-30) - `Resource files `_ - md5sum: 3ea5e88c44664866501f13feaa2d6000 - `STAR index `_ - md5sum: 324c54b963d5f17a05d6c70d09b90b7d .. _resource-gen-custom: Generating Custom Resource Files --------------------------------